Your United Methodist Personal Investment Plan (UMPIP)—A webinar series to help you achieve your retirement goals.
This year Wespath is excited to host a year-long webinar series about UMPIP. Each webinar will provide detailed information that will help you understand how to save for retirement, invest your savings and manage your investments. Your UMPIP can be a key part of a comprehensive financial plan and we are here to help.
- March—United Methodist Personal Investment Plan (UMPIP) overview
- June—a deeper dive into contribution accounts and available funds offered through Wespath
- September—an explanation on how you can manage your accounts
- December—a discussion on how your participation in UMPIP is one piece to your broader financial plan
Webinar attendees will be:
- Empowered with the understanding needed to make retirement saving choices
- Inspired to save as much as you can as a gift to yourself in the future
- Educated as to where to find more information to improve your financial well-being
Please join us throughout the year to better understand how UMPIP can help you achieve your retirement goals.