We are thankful for the continuing evidence of God’s abundant blessings in the NC Conference. The Conference Treasurer’s Office has closed out the 2014 apportionment year and is happy to report 91.88% of the budget apportioned during 2014 was received from local churches. Out of 788 churches receiving apportionments, 82% of them (648) paid 100% of all apportioned amounts. The Conference Council on Finance and Administration voted to fully fund the general church, jurisdictional and Past Service Liability apportionments in full out of the conference reserves. This is the tenth year in a row that general and jurisdictional church apportionments have been paid at 100%. With the blessing of these resources for ministry, the Conference Council on Finance and Administration takes seriously the great responsibility for careful stewardship of their use. We are thankful for all the ways our United Methodist connection allows us to partner in ministry at all levels of God’s church and truly be in ministry around the world! Thank you for your part in this shared ministry!