Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World
The Ministry of All Believers
Are you called to a deeper commitment in Christ? The NC Conference has many ways for laity to grow and engage in their faith. All are called to ministry. How will you answer?
Training Opportunities for Laity
Are you interested in growing in your knowledge of Christ and gaining new skills for ministry? Check out these learning opportunities through Lay Servant Ministries and other conference and denominational resources.
Lay Servant Ministries Courses
These 10-hour courses are available to anyone, whether or not you are interested in pursuing a certification through Lay Servant Ministries. View Course List.
NC Conference Webinars and Events
The NC Conference offers webinars and other events designed to equip clergy and laity for our mutual mission. See upcoming events.
Discipleship Ministries Online Courses
Many different courses are offered through For credit toward LSM certifications, be sure to choose from the LSM online courses.
Anti-Bias and Anti-Racism Training
The NC Conference is committed to anti-racism. As part of our ongoing work, our Race Equity and Justice Ministries office offers anti-racism training and IDI assessments. Learn More
Lay Servant Ministries Certifications
Laity interested in a more formal commitment can pursue any of the following certifications through Lay Servant Ministries.
Certified Lay Servants
The starting point and the most versatile for committing to service in your local church.
Certified Lay Speakers
Additional training and credentialing to serve as pulpit supply for area churches.
Certified Lay Ministers
Longer-term assignments as part of a ministry team, including serving as a lay pastor.
Additional Opportunities for Laity

Order of Deaconess and Home Missioner
A lifetime commitment to ministries of love, justice, and service, often in ministry settings outside of the church walls.

Leadership Fellows Program
A two-year program, offered by the NC Conference and designed for clergy-laity pairs. Laity who are interested should talk with their pastor about participating together.

United Methodist Youth
All NC Conference Youth are invited to take part in conference-wide youth events and programming.

United Women in Faith
Formerly United Methodist Women, United Women in Faith believe that love, in action, can change the world. Whether you join (or start!) a unit in your church or sign up for an “all access” membership online, all women are invited to join.

United Methodist Men
The mission of UMM is to help men grow in Christ, so others may know Christ. Local congregations are encouraged to form their own groups, being sure the focus is not inward (on those who join meetings), but outward to all men, assisting them to engage the process of spiritual growth.

NC Conference Committees
Conference boards, agencies, commissions, and committees provide tangible leadership opportunities for those who are interested in reflecting and sharing the mission of the North Carolina Annual Conference. Nominations are usually requested in April.

Local Church Leadership
Laity are encouraged to talk to their pastor about opportunities to serve within the committees and structures of their local church. Districts often offer training for administrative committee roles at the beginning of each year. In addition, recordings of past trainings and additional resources are available on the conference website for the following roles/committees: