Resources and Training
- Presentation Slides
- Job Descriptions – These job descriptions from UMC Discipleship Ministries serve as a helpful basis for communicating the responsibilities of each role with church members who are nominated.
- Guidelines: Nominations and Leadership Development – This publication from the General Board of Discipleship offers guidelines and best practices for the work of this committee.
- Lay Servant Ministries – Many opportunities are available to equip laity for ministry. Church leaders are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities and share them with church members. See upcoming courses or learn more about becoming a certified lay servant, certified lay speaker, or certified lay minister.
- Real Discipleship Survey – This is the resource that Donna recommended from the Shift 2.0 material. Individuals can purchase access using the link provided for $4.95.
- NC Conference Church Transformation Ministries – The Church Transformation office offers consults and resources for local churches. Those interested in participating in a program similar to Shift 2.0 might especially look at their Cooperative Community on Mission.
Watch the Virtual Training