Recommendation Recommender(Required)Laity seeking to become certified or renew their certification through Lay Servant Ministries need the recommendation of their pastor and church council or charge conference. Laity are called from their local church, and their local church knows best their gifts for ministry. Which recommendation are you providing today? I am the pastor / clergy mentor. I am the church council chair. I am another representative who can recommend on behalf of the church council / charge conference. Your Role(Required)Please describe your role at the church. District(Required)Please select your district so we can forward your recommendation to the appropriate Lay Servant Ministries district director. (Please select your district.)BeaconCapitalCorridorFairwayGatewayHarborHeritageSoundYour Name(Required) First Last Your Email(Required)We will email you confirmation that we have received your recommendation. Enter Email Confirm Email Name of Person You are Recommending(Required) First Last Recommendation(Required)Do you recommend this person for certification through Lay Servant Ministries? Yes! I rejoice in affirming God’s call on this person as certified laity in the United Methodist Church. No, I am not currently able to recommend this person. Additional Information?Clicking “submit” below is sufficient to serve as your recommendation for this candidate. However, if you have anything further you would like to communicate with the district committee on Lay Servant Ministries about this candidate, please do so here.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.