The schedule of virtual and in-person educational events is available on the Insurance webpage. All current and potential conference insurance plan enrollees are invited to engage in these opportunities!
Last Month in the NC Conference: August 2022
We’d like to keep everyone up-to-date about the happenings all across the NC Conference offices and committees, so we’ll be posting a roundup of all the major news at the end of every month.
Here’s an overview of NC Conference events and updates from the month of August.
NC Conference
- The #BeUMC focus theme for August was Missional. Learn more about the campaign, watch new video testimonials, and share A Prayer for the Missional People of God.
- Rev. Dennis Lamm received an Honorary Membership in the Southeastern Jurisdiction Historical Society.
- Read Bishop Fairley’s message, “Building on the Solid Rock.”
- Bishop Fairley has organized a Futures Team to look at the ways we need to restructure so we can continue to sustain and grow as an annual conference and adapt for the future in this ever-evolving situation.
- A Special Session of the North Carolina Annual Conference is called for November 19 at 10 am.
- Hosted three webinars to help clarify the disaffiliation agreement, clergy withdrawal, and the future of The United Methodist Church.
Center for Leadership Excellence
- NC Conference Evangelism and Discipleship committee and the Center of Leadership Excellence hosted a workshop with Carolyn Helsel and Y. Joy Harris-Smith about their book “The ABCs of Diversity: Helping Kids (and Ourselves!) Engage Our Differences.”
- Hosted a workshop series on Effective Communication in Times of Crisis with Diane Degnan, Director of Public Relations at United Methodist Communications.
Christian Formation
- Peace with Justice Grant applications are open until September 15.
Conflict Transformation Ministries
- Shared ways to create safe, sacred spaces for virtual and in-person conversations.
- Shared tips for reflective listening.
District Office
- The 2022 Ministry Assessment form opened. The deadline to complete the form is November 30, 2022.
Media Center
- View stewardship studies for churches and small groups.
- View new anti-racism and multicultural resources.
Office of Clergy Life
- Launched the 2022-2023 Residency in Ordained Ministry (RIOM) Groups. Under the leadership of Susan Graebe, RIOM Coordinator, 29 provisional clergy members of the NC Conference were oriented to the curriculum designed to ground residents in baptismal identity and a rule of life to sustain them for a lifetime of joyful service in the UMC; connect residents to one another, the BOM, conference leaders and peers, laity, members of local communities, and their local contexts; equip residents through ministry reflection, self-awareness, and practical appreciative leadership tools.
Outreach Ministry
- Three volunteer events were held at MERCI to pack UMCOR kits for the Kentucky Conference following a devastating flood. Learn more about how you can help.
- The Creation Care Committee announced the Season of Creation, a month-long observance in September of God’s creation and our role therein.
- Applications for 2023 Mission Seed Funds are now open.
- MERCI is collecting items to send to Project AGAPE in Armenia this fall.
Important Conversations Made Easier with UMC Presentation Slide Deck
United Methodist Communications
Office of Public Information
For Immediate Release
September 1, 2022
Nashville, Tennessee – As a denomination, it’s important that pastors, church staff and members have a common understanding of the core background of The United Methodist Church. The new “We are the church. Together” resource from United Methodist Communications helps congregations root into shared beliefs, history, mission and ministry to stand strong and face the future — together.
The organized Google slides presentation aids leaders in walking their church through what it means to be United Methodist and answering questions that members are asking.
Content includes information about Wesleyan heritage, the church’s foundation and structure. The presentation is built around four #BeUMC campaign themes: making disciples, belonging & inclusion, experience of God through the UMC and influence, connection and impact.
“We created this in partnership with several leaders in the denomination in response to a real felt need of local churches who are not feeling equipped to have important conversations about what the church believes,” said Jennifer Rodia, United Methodist Communications’ Chief Communications Officer. “In speaking with conference communicators and church leaders, we identified that a customizable slide deck would be a helpful resource.”
On a local level it can be challenging to discuss church foundations. The presentation includes a two-minute video about The United Methodist Church. It explores what the UMC believes. It also touches on the Book of Discipline, Wesley’s Articles of Religion and what was printed in the church’s first books. The video works in-presentation and is sharable in other communication channels.
The easy-to-use presentation is customizable and provides space for discussion breaks. “Use it as a daylong retreat, shrunk down to an hour meeting or made into a series of topical sessions. Whichever method you choose, the deck suggests pathways to reach your goal,” adds Rodia.
The deck includes detailed instructions and presenter slide notes.
“This is excellent. It’s exciting. I’m enthusiastic about it, shared Bishop Julius Trimble of the Indiana Annual Conference after a presentation about the resource during August’s Council of Bishops meeting. “This is going to be very helpful for cabinets, for communicators and for pastors and all of us as bishops who have a teaching role.”
The slide deck is available for download at
Important conversations made easier with UMC presentation slide deck
About United Methodist Communications
As the communications agency for The United Methodist Church, United Methodist Communications seeks to increase awareness and visibility of the denomination in communities and nations around the globe. United Methodist Communications also offers services, tools, and resources for communications ministry. Discover more about the agency at Learn how to support this communications ministry work at
Media contact:
Brenda Smotherman
615-742-5488 – office
A Prayer for the Disciple-making People of God
God of grace and God of glory, your goodness, and your care for us are bigger than anything we can understand. Your unending and unfailing love knows no bounds. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed, we have doubts, and fears, and become frozen in fear.
We know we don’t go this alone – you are with us, guiding, encouraging, preparing, leading, and loving. We’re so grateful for friends who mentor us in the faith who inspire us, and pastors who guide and encourage us. We thank you for the people who walk alongside us, encouraging us, sustaining us, and holding us accountable to you and to each other.
Our discipleship journey is filled with twists and turns, with peaks and valleys, but you are there with us every step of the way. Your presence is such a comfort to us that we often take you for granted. We ask your forgiveness, sometimes we need to be reminded that You are the source of our strength and that You provide the gifts of love and grace for us to share. Give us a passion to share our story, to tell others how we have experienced God’s love and mercy and grace and what a difference it is making in our daily lives. We love you, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Written by John Hall, NC Conference Lay Leader. Used with permission.
Season of Creation 2022 Webinars
As part of our observance of Season of Creation 2022, the NC Conference creation care committee is excited to be once again hosting a series of webinars. This year we are offering four webinars, all at 7:00 on Tuesday evenings in September. These webinars are all free, but do require that you register in advance.
Can’t make a webinar that you’re interested in? Sign up anyway! All webinars will be recorded and distributed to those that register.
See the list of webinars below.
Creation Care: How to Talk About the Environment in Church
September 6; 7:00
We cannot solve the problems that we face without talking about them. Climate scientist and evangelical Christian Dr. Katherine Hayhoe has claimed that talking about climate change is the most important thing we can do to prevent disaster. Yet many are hesitant to bring up this important subject in their churches. Somehow, environmental issues have become a divisive, politicized topic. How can we talk about the environment in church?
Simply put: to talk about it in church, we must talk about it as church. Revs. Jarrod Davis and Jim Galloway will be discussing how environmental issues can be addressed in our churches through preaching, teaching, worship, study and mission. This webinar will be for anyone who knows that the Church ought to be addressing these matters, but isn’t quite sure how to begin. Whether you are clergy or a lay person, you can be leading the discussion in your local congregation.
Special guest Cooper Sykes will also be joining us to talk about engaging our youth through climate activism.
Advocacy Is Action: What You Can Do
September 13; 7:00
The task of stopping and reversing climate change is daunting. Often it seems that a lot of pressure is put on individuals to change their lifestyles, but how can we sway corporations and governments to change their policies and practices? Rev. Keith Sexton and Dr. Steve Jurovics lead this webinar on how to be advocates for creation, drawing on their years of experience in and out of the church. They will not only address why advocacy is important, but also where our attention is most immediately needed, and real, practical guidelines to becoming a creation advocate.
Participants in this webinar will leave with a deeper understanding of what actions they can take right now to shape public and industrial policies. Dr. Jurovics and Rev. Sexton will show you how you can reach out to utilities companies and your local representatives, how to work at a grassroots level, and what organizations in North Carolina are already doing this work.
Nature’s Best Hope, with Doug Tallamy
September 20; 7:00
Recent headlines about global insect declines and three billion fewer birds in North America are a bleak reality check about how ineffective our current landscape designs have been at sustaining the plants and animals that sustain us. To create landscapes that enhance local ecosystems rather than degrade them, we must 1) remove the invasives on our property and 2) add the native plant communities that sustain food webs, sequester carbon, maintain diverse native bee communities, and manage our watersheds. If we do this in half of the area now in lawn, we can create Homegrown National Park, a 20 million acre network of viable habitats that will provide vital corridors connecting the few natural areas that remain. This approach to conservation empowers everyone to play a significant role in the future of the natural world.
Doug Tallamy is the T. A. Baker Professor of Agriculture in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware, where he has authored 106 research publications and has taught insect related courses for 41 years. Chief among his research goals is to better understand the many ways insects interact with plants and how such interactions determine the diversity of animal communities. His books include Bringing Nature Home, The Living Landscape, co-authored with Rick Darke, Nature’s Best Hope, a New York Times Best Seller, The Nature of Oaks, winner of the American Horticultural Society’s 2022 book award. In 2021 he cofounded Homegrown National Park with Michelle Alfandari. His awards include recognition from The Garden Writer’s Association, Audubon, The National Wildlife Federation, Allegheny College, The Garden Club of America and The American Horticultural Association.
Building a United Methodist Creation Just Movement, with Sharon Delgado
September 27; 7:00
Many of our churches engage in acts of mercy, creation care, and advocacy, but these actions are not enough to change the underlying system that is causing environmental injustice and climate chaos. We are up against powerful special interests and entrenched institutions that are invested (literally) in keeping things going along the current trajectory. Rev. Sharon Delgado will present this webinar about building a creation justice movement in the United Methodist Church and beyond. This involves joining forces with people of all faiths and philosophies to bring about the widespread cultural and institutional changes that are necessary to transition to a more compassionate, just, and ecologically regenerative world. In the words of climate organizer Bill McKibben, “The main way to counter the malign power of vested interests is to meet organized money with organized people.”
The Reverend Sharon Delgado is an ordained United Methodist minister, speaker, writer, organizer, and activist who has been working on climate justice and related issues for over 30 years. She is on the Coordinating Committee of the United Methodist Creation Justice Movement and is the Cal-Nevada Climate Justice Ministries Coordinator. Her newest book is The Cross in the Midst of Creation: Following Jesus, Engaging the Powers, Transforming the World. Previous books include Love in a Time of Climate Change: Honoring Creation, Establishing Justice (2017) and Shaking the Gates of Hell: Faith-Led Resistance to Corporate Globalization (2007, 2020). Sharon’s blog, Progressive Christian Social Action, is at
Recruiting Volunteers for ‘Mission English Class’ for 2022 Fall Semester
This program is designed to support Methodist missionaries and their ministry partners in Asian countries by offering them free English classes via zoom.
* Anyone who speaks English as her native language can volunteer as a tutor.
* Teaching materials / resources can be provided.
* If anyone needs help setting up the zoom app and using it, we can help.
Mission English 2022 Fall Semester
First day of the semester will be Thursday 9/8 (US Eastern Time) (= Friday 9/9 (in the Philippines, Japan, Korea). And it will continue until Sunday 11/20 (US Eastern Time) (= Friday 11/21 (in the Philippines, Japan, Korea)). : 11 weeks
Classes will be offered 1 time a week for about an hour each time (Thursdays or Sundays at 8 pm in US Eastern Time depending on the tutor’s availability)
Teaching resources can be provided. Tutoring methods can be shared by experienced tutors.
Commitment as tutors:
Small Group tutors can commit to lead a small group class the whole semester (11 weeks), or share the class with another tutor to lead.
Pastors can volunteer to lead ‘Ministry in English’ class from 1 week up to 4 weeks depending on their availability.
Contact Rev. Joseph (Hyun-Soak) Park for more information: or 919-452-5795