The Hispanic-Latinx Committee of the NC Conference invites pastors, congregations, and church members to two webinars designed to provide hospitality and legal information for immigrants living in the United States.
Hope and Action: Resourcing Congregations for Hospitality
Wednesday, February 12, 7:00pm
This event will provide a vital space for all our congregations, especially English-speaking congregations, to learn about current immigration policies and laws, dispel myths about migrants, immigrants, and refugees, and explore ways to extend hospitality to individuals at risk of mass deportation. The session is designed to equip congregations to become more hospitable to migrant and immigrant communities while fostering understanding, hope, and solidarity.
Esperanza y Acción: Recursos Para la Comunidad Inmigrante
Sábado, Febrero 15, 5:00-6:30 pm
El Comité Hispano de la Iglesia Metodista Unida de Carolina del Norte invita a la comunidad a un evento de asesoría sobre la situación de inmigración en los Estados Unidos bajo la nueva administración. La presentación estará a cargo de un abogado en inmigración, quien brindará orientación práctica, responderá preguntas clave y compartirá recursos útiles para individuos y familias afectadas por las políticas migratorias actuales. Únase a nosotros para informarse, conectarse con expertos y fortalecer nuestra comunidad en un espíritu de esperanza y solidaridad.
Featured Speaker:

Doug Thie is a partner with Clawson & Staubes, LLC, and practices exclusively immigration law. He represents individuals, families, and businesses applying for temporary visas, lawful permanent residence, U.S. citizenship, and relief from removal/deportation. Clawson & Staubes has six offices in the Carolinas, and the firm’s Immigration Team represents clients in matters across the United States and around the world. Doug graduated magna cum laude from Wofford College with a major in Spanish, a minor in Government, and a concentration in Latin American and Caribbean Studies. He then attended the University of North Carolina School of Law and graduated with honors. Doug serves as the American Immigration Lawyers Association Carolinas Chapter Chair. He lives in Charlotte with his wife and their three daughters.
Doug Thie es socio de Clawson & Staubes, LLC, y se dedica exclusivamente a la práctica de la ley de inmigración. Representa a individuos, familias y empresas en la solicitud de visas temporales, residencia permanente legal, ciudadanía estadounidense y alivio contra la deportación. Clawson & Staubes cuenta con seis oficinas en las Carolinas, y el equipo de inmigración de la firma representa a clientes en asuntos dentro de los Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo. Doug se graduó magna cum laude de Wofford College con una especialización en Español, una mención secundaria en Gobierno y una concentración en Estudios de América Latina y el Caribe. Posteriormente, asistió a la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Carolina del Norte, donde se graduó con honores. Doug es presidente del capítulo de las Carolinas de la Asociación Estadounidense de Abogados de Inmigración (AILA, por sus siglas en inglés). Reside en Charlotte con su esposa y sus tres hijas.
Other Events of Interest
Solidarity With The Sojourner Webinar
Multiple denominational leaders gathered for a webinar to discuss the United Methodist response to immigrant justice and United Methodists across the connection. “Solidarity with the Sojourner: Understanding U.S. Immigration and Our Call to Respond” was recorded and is now available for viewing.
What Now? Immigrants and Refugees in the USA
Panel Discussion, Sunday, February 16, 7 pm
Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church
4415 Pleasant Grove Church Road
Raleigh, NC 27613
Jesus said, “When you welcome the stranger, you welcome me….” Matthew 25:35
The letter from the Council of Bishops of the United Methodist Church led with that scripture and urged the church to actively welcome the migrant, immigrant, and refugee among us. Many of us are alarmed at the call to deport 11 million of our friends and neighbors. Join us to talk about what can be done. All are welcome. You don’t have to be a Methodist or a Christian to join us for an evening of discussion. The connections we make with each other are an important reason for meeting.
Linda Harding has worked for the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants in the Raleigh field office as Community Engagement Coordinator. She is now serving as the Private Sponsorship Program Officer with the Welcome Corps Program, which offers another pathway to bring refugees to the U.S.
The Rev. Ismael Ruiz-Millán, Executive Director of Connectional Ministries of the NC Conference of the United Methodist Church, is an immigrant pastor from Mexico. With over 21 years in ministry, he is passionate about raising awareness of the immigrant experience and fostering communities of hospitality, compassion and justice for all people.