The Center for Leadership Excellence invites you to a three-week workshop series. You can choose to attend one, two, or all three. When your church has a crisis, how can […]
Moral Leadership in Public Life
In the context of America’s rising Christian nationalism, pastors and church leaders face a particular challenge: how to navigate the hot-button issues that are being used to divide people while […]
Conference-Wide Leadership Training
The North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church is hosting virtual trainings on January 9, 2022, for all who serve in their local congregation in any of the following roles: Trustees […]
Take a Happy Break!
Let’s add a little playfulness to our day. Join Rev. Courtney Ellis, author of Happy Now: Let Playfulness Lift Your Load and Renew Your Spirit, for a seminar designed to […]
Strategizing End of Year Giving
Don’t stop now! Even if your generosity series has been preached, there are other ways to reach out for giving opportunities. Join the Center for Leadership Excellence next week, with […]
Happiness: Incorporating Playfulness into our Lives and Churches
The Center for Leadership Excellence invites you to a webinar. In the midst of an incredibly difficult ministry season, more faith leaders are feeling the threat of burnout than ever. […]