Corridor District: Justice in Everyday Life

Orange UMC 1220 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, NC 27514-6600, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

This course takes an in-depth look at the Social Principles of The United Methodist Church — the church’s attempt to speak on contemporary issues with which it is confronted today. The course covers topics such as the following: Natural World, Social Community, Economic Community, and Political Community.


Harbor District: Called to Preach

Ocean View UMC 8400 E Oak Island Dr, Oak Island, North Carolina

This course is designed for those who have not completed formal preaching training, for pastors seeking a basic refresher course, and for others who are called upon to preach in a pastor’s absence.


Gateway District: Sacraments

Galilee UMC 941 McGirts Bridge Rd, Laurinburg, North Carolina

This advanced course with a leader’s guide by Rev. Beth Galbreath crystalizes her unique focus in the online Be A Disciple courses on Baptism and Holy Communion. Here Rev. Galbreath combines her approach with the key insights of two books on our sacramental life: By Water and the Spirit and This Holy Mystery, by the late Gayle Carlton Felton.


Harbor District: Polity


This Zoom course is open to all laity and meets the UM polity requirement for those seeking to become certified lay speakers or certified lay ministers. This course also counts as an "advanced course" for certified lay servants or anyone in need of continuing education to renew their certification.


Gateway District: Leading Worship


This Zoom course is open to all laity and meets the worship requirement for those seeking to become certified lay speakers. This course also counts as an "advanced course" for certified lay servants or anyone in need of continuing education to renew their certification.


Capital District: Basic Course

Soapstone UMC 12837 Norwood Rd, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

This course is open to all laity and is a great way to learn about the many ways laity can answer their call to ministry in the UMC. This course is required for all laity seeking certification as a lay servant, lay speaker, or lay minister.


Beacon District: UM History


This Zoom course is open to all laity. In addition, it meets the UM History requirement for those seeking to become certified lay speakers or certified lay ministers. This course also counts as an "advanced course" for certified lay servants or anyone in need of continuing education to renew their certification.


Fairway District: Basic Course

St. Francis UMC 2965 Kildaire Farm Rd, Cary, North Carolina, United States

This course is open to all laity and is a great way to learn about the many ways laity can answer their call to ministry in the UMC. This course is required for all laity seeking certification as a lay servant, lay speaker, or lay minister


Fairway District: Called to Preach

St. Francis UMC 2965 Kildaire Farm Rd, Cary, North Carolina, United States

This course is open to all laity. In addition, it meets the preaching requirement for those seeking to become certified lay speakers. This course also counts as an "advanced course" for certified lay servants or anyone in need of continuing education to renew their certification.


Heritage District: Basic


This Zoom course is open to all laity. The Heritage district is offering a discount to anyone who registers for both this course and Sharing Your Faith the following week. Anyone who completes both courses will have all the needed coursework to become a certified lay servant.


Heritage District: Sharing Your Faith


This Zoom course is open to all laity. The Heritage district is offering a discount to anyone who registers for both this course and the Basic course offered the prior week. Anyone who completes both courses will have all the needed coursework to become a certified lay servant.


Corridor District: Leading in Prayer

Pleasant Green UMC 3005 Pleasant Green Rd, Durham, North Carolina, United States

Anyone who is called upon to lead public prayer may feel anxious and possibly inadequate for such a task. This course offers help for novices as well as veteran leaders of prayer as they create and deliver appropriate prayers for those on whose behalf the prayer is offered.
