Mission Projects

In-Country Projects
Please consider giving and serving in both “places to serve” and “ministries to support.” We simply will never know the fullness of Christ until we move beyond our pews, our comfort zones, and our well-formulated perceptions of what is and what is not. This we do in mission. This we do with the service of our hands and our hearts. This is where we touch Jesus, and find that he was holding us all along.
Places to Serve:
- NC United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM)
- Robeson County Church and Community Center
- Society of St. Andrew
- Hinton Rural Life Center – Hayesville, NC
Ministries to Support:
Overseas Projects
The North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church supports several ministries beyond the Annual Conference.
- ZOE (Rev. Gaston Warner)
- Project AGAPE in Armenia (Nara Melkonyan)
- Love for Liberia – Two-Year Outreach to Liberia
- Costa Rica Mission Projects (Wil Bailey)
- Salvadoran Mission Projects (Brian Dubberly)
- Sierra Leone – Mission of Hope: Rotifunk Hospital and Background of Mission of Hope