The North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church supports several ministries beyond the Annual Conference. These listed below are some of our major partnerships and connections. We give God thanks for our brothers and sisters around the world who bless us with their ministry and their lives.
- ZOE (Rev. Gaston Warner)
- Project AGAPE in Armenia (Nara Melkonyan)
- Love for Liberia – Two Year Outreach to Liberia
- Liberia – Children Ministries
- Liberia – Sustainable Agriculture
- Costa Rica Mission Projects (Wil Bailey)
- Salvadoran Mission Projects (Brian Dubberly)
- Sierra Leone – Mission of Hope: Rotifunk Hospital and Background of Mission of Hope
- Vietnam Missionary – Quynhhoa Nguyen –Newsletter November 2018
- Progress Letter for Selma Adevu 2020