After 21 years of faithful ministry, God is doing a new thing in the life of Disciple Bible Outreach Ministries. Following a time of prayer and spiritual discernment, DBOM has re-emerged with a new vision, a new mission, a new name and a renewed passion to minister to our prison population. We are thankful to celebrate this rebirth and we are proud to announce the launch of Cross and Key Prison Ministries!
Cross and Key Prison Ministries will continue to equip churches for prison ministry, but will assume a greater role by providing education on criminal justice issues for our local churches and advocacy for prison reform in keeping with our social principles. Cross and Key Prison Ministries will take the lead in creating a team of advocates for prison reform, will provide resources on prison ministry opportunities for our local congregations. This will be a place to which our pastors and laity can turn when needing assistance with criminal justice issues and will broaden her role to resource, not just the Disciple prison ministry, but all conference supported prison ministries.
The vision of Cross and Key Prison Ministries is “Ministry to the incarcerated; Working for a more just society. ”
On Sunday, October 24, a conference-wide special offering will be received to support this new ministry. In Matthew 25:40, Jesus tells us that when we are in ministry to persons who are incarcerated, we are doing it unto Him. Your offering of support to Cross and Key Prison Ministries on October 24, will help us not only be hearers of God’s Word, but also to be “doers of God’s Word.” (James 1:22)
For more information about Cross and Key Prison Ministries please visit: www.CrossandKeyPrisonMinistries.com.
Churches wanting to receive credit toward the Rainbow Covenant may make a donation through their local church with Advance #S-00103 on the memo line. Donations may also be mailed to:
Cross and Key Prison Ministries,
PO Box 358
Oak Island, NC 28465
Click here to view letter from Bishop Fairley.
Dr. Mark Hicks, Executive Director of Cross and Key Prison Ministries has included a video on the home page of the website.
There is a bulletin insert that churches are welcome to use for this special emphasis Sunday.