$ Returning to the Well: Soul Matters in Youth Ministry (BeADisciple.com)


Spiritual formation is an arena of ministry and study that focuses on the process of conforming to the image of Jesus Christ, for the sake of others. It is a crucial consideration in youth ministry, not only for the youth but also for the adults who surround them – including leaders, volunteers, and parents. Through […]


$ Becoming an Effective Witness for Jesus Christ (BeADisciple.com)


Are you able to recall a time in your life when someone reached out to you with the love of Christ and changed your life forever? Do you have a burning desire to share God’s love with others? Do you want the Light of Christ within you to be a beacon to those lost in […]


$ Spirituality and Photography (BeADisciple.com)


This newly revised and expanded class explores the idea of photography as a spiritual practice. Photography is a path to stilling the heart and soul in order to hear God and to sense the presence of God in the beauty of God’s creation. Val Isenhower, photographer, author and ordained minister, teaches the class. We will […]


$ Honor Thy Father and Mother As They Age (BeADisciple.com)


Older adults dread the day when they have to turn in the car keys, acknowledge their infirmity, or leave a family home behind. They don’t want to become a burden on their children or others. All of these transitions may be happening to your parents. Right now.   No one can hide from aging—not your parents […]


$ Religion and Science: Pathways to Truth (BeADisciple.com)


Must we reject belief in God to accept the findings of science?Dr. Francis S. Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health, hosts this ground-breaking series in which several leading scientists, theologians, and philosophers explore the contrasts and similarities between religion and science. This group of experts considers if and how religion and science might […]


$ A Life Worthy of the Gospel (BeADisciple.com)


How do Christians think and act faithfully in a complex and often ambiguous world? What models from Scripture and Church history might help us to live “lives worthy of the Gospel” in the 21st century? This eloquent, challenging and inspiring six-week introduction to Christian ethics avoids pat answers and simplistic lists of do’s and don’t’s […]


$ Methodist Identity: Our Story (BeADisciple.com)


What does it mean to be Methodist? In a series of half-hour videos from leading Methodist scholars, Justo Gonzalez leads students through an exploration of the 18th-century Wesleyan revival in England and the growth of Methodism in the United States and around the world. Supplemental videos cover in more detail the rise of Methodism in Europe, Asia, Africa […]


$ Biblical Compassion and Church Administration (BeADisciple.com)


Effective church administration allows each community of faith to operate to its fullest potential and creates space for all people to grow, worship, and serve. Attending to the details of congregational life involves organization and inspiration, along with conflict resolution and stress management at times. This first course in the church administration certification sequence allows […]


$ Biblical Faith Regarding Women (BeADisciple.com)


Women in the church have both needs and interests as well as gifts and abilities. While they might experience those in different ways due to a variety of cultural circumstances, that foundation is recognizable across the differences. Local congregations can create space for understanding and living out women’s experiences in ways that meet their needs […]


$ Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (BeADisciple.com)


The history, heritage, beliefs, mission and culture of the United Methodist Church for anyone – newcomer or longtime member – who wants to know what’s distinctive about being a United Methodist Christian. We’ll explore the special gifts of theology and witness that the Wesleyan tradition brings to the Church universal, how we got where we […]


$ Come to the Waters (BeADisciple.com)


Deepen your congregation’s experience of baptism, confirmation and reaffirmation of baptism through this wide-ranging study of By Water and the Spirit, Scripture, Church history and United Methodist theology and practice of the sacrament. This course will reference, but go beyond, the official United Methodist teaching document on baptism. The course considers preparation of adults for baptism […]
