$ Reel Theology: A Lenten Film Festival (BeADisciple.com)


Adapting words from Elizabeth Barrett Browning, we might observe that “Hollywood’s crammed with heaven and every common film afire with God and Gospel Truth.” Join us in a Lenten film festival that explores the intersection of Hollywood and Divine. We will address the various ways Christ and Gospel can be perceived as relating to culture […]


$ Reel Theology: A Lenten Film Festival (BeADisciple.com)


Adapting words from Elizabeth Barrett Browning, we might observe that “Hollywood’s crammed with heaven and every common film afire with God and Gospel Truth.” Join us in a Lenten film festival that explores the intersection of Hollywood and Divine. We will address the various ways Christ and Gospel can be perceived as relating to culture […]


$ The ‘I Am’ Statements of Jesus (BeADisciple.com)


In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis argued that Jesus was either a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord. Seekers who listen closely, though, will hear Jesus’ own words revealing which of these is true.  Who did Jesus say He is?   This course will look at seven important ‘I Am’ statements of Jesus that are found in the Gospel […]


$ The ‘I Am’ Statements of Jesus (BeADisciple.com)


In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis argued that Jesus was either a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord. Seekers who listen closely, though, will hear Jesus’ own words revealing which of these is true.  Who did Jesus say He is?   This course will look at seven important ‘I Am’ statements of Jesus that are found in the Gospel […]


$ Biblical Storytelling Weekly for Lent (BeADisciple.com)


Biblical Storytelling Weekly for Lent offers an in-depth journey through Luke’s resurrection stories, Luke 24 and Acts 1:1-14, along with suggestions for learning and powerfully telling, or reading, the stories.   This is designed as a Lenten journey for both Biblical storytellers and those who prefer to read the Scripture in worship. It’s not an introduction to Biblical […]


$ Biblical Storytelling Weekly for Lent (BeADisciple.com)


Biblical Storytelling Weekly for Lent offers an in-depth journey through Luke’s resurrection stories, Luke 24 and Acts 1:1-14, along with suggestions for learning and powerfully telling, or reading, the stories.   This is designed as a Lenten journey for both Biblical storytellers and those who prefer to read the Scripture in worship. It’s not an introduction to Biblical […]


$ Finding Serenity (BeADisciple.com)


Do you find yourself struggling at times to feel peace? Christians are not insulated from all of the stresses and fears in the world today. Finding peace and calm in the midst of stressful living, both in our individual lives and in the world around us, can be a challenge.  Constant stress can sap us […]


$ Finding Serenity (BeADisciple.com)


Do you find yourself struggling at times to feel peace? Christians are not insulated from all of the stresses and fears in the world today. Finding peace and calm in the midst of stressful living, both in our individual lives and in the world around us, can be a challenge.  Constant stress can sap us […]


$ Serious Answers to Hard Questions (BeADisciple.com)


How do you reconcile the presence of evil in the world with belief in a loving God? How should Christians relate to other religions? Does the “Christ of Faith” bear any resemblance to the “Jesus of History”? Ten Christian and Jewish theologians – world experts in their fields and persons of faith – each address […]


$ Serious Answers to Hard Questions (BeADisciple.com)


How do you reconcile the presence of evil in the world with belief in a loving God? How should Christians relate to other religions? Does the “Christ of Faith” bear any resemblance to the “Jesus of History”? Ten Christian and Jewish theologians – world experts in their fields and persons of faith – each address […]


$ Methodist Identity: Our Beliefs (BeADisciple.com)


This is an Adult Education Course hosted by Gregory Ingram featuring contributions by 9 of the world’s leading Methodist scholars. It builds on the history of Methodism by examining Methodist beliefs and focusing especially on those doctrines that make Methodists distinctive. Eight half-hour long presentations by leading Methodist theologians offer valuable information and insight concerning […]


$ Methodist Identity: Our Beliefs (BeADisciple.com)


This is an Adult Education Course hosted by Gregory Ingram featuring contributions by 9 of the world’s leading Methodist scholars. It builds on the history of Methodism by examining Methodist beliefs and focusing especially on those doctrines that make Methodists distinctive. Eight half-hour long presentations by leading Methodist theologians offer valuable information and insight concerning […]
