The Spiritual Life Team of the North Carolina Conference donated two canvas labyrinths and resource kits that may be borrowed by churches within the NC Conference.

Labyrinth & Resource Kit Description
The Labyrinth & Resource kit includes a 24-foot labyrinth contained in a duffel bag. The Modified Medieval 7-Circuit Labyrinth Pattern is drawn and painted on a 24-foot octagonal one-piece canvas. It has all the elements of the 11-circuit Chartres canvas labyrinth and is formulated according to sacred geometry. Removing four circuits allows for a walking path of the same approximate width as the 11-circuit 36-foot Chartres canvas labyrinth, but is contained on a 24-foot canvas, thus permitting its use within smaller spaces. The path is one foot wide.
This smaller pattern retains the full six-petal rosette center and entrance/exit similar to the 11-circuit pattern. It has six labyres that form the cross as does the ten labyres in the 11-circuit pattern. Contained within the modified 7-circuit pattern is the ancient spiral, which is also contained within the 11-circuit Chartres pattern. There are 77 lunations that surround the circumference of the modified 7-circuit Chartres-like labyrinth pattern. The number of lunations is determined by the width of the path.
A wooden, double, finger labyrinth and two Sand Labyrinth Kits are also included. The Resource Kit includes the books and music listed below as well as LED votive candles to display around the labyrinth.
The Resource Kit includes the following books:
- Walking the Sacred Path by Lauren Artress
- The Sacred Path Companion by Lauren Artress
- Praying the Labyrinth by Jill Hartwell
- The Way of the Labyrinth by Helen Curry
- Exploring The Labyrinth, Guide to Healing by Melissa Gayle West
The following music CDs are also included in the Resource Kit:
- Labyrinth Walk by Martin Gregory
- Chartres: The Path of the Soul
- Celtic Meditation Music
- Tribal Winds
- A Feather on the Breath of God
Using the Labyrinth
Click here to view the policies of the use of the NC Conference labyrinth. Please read these completely before requesting to borrow the labyrinth. Because the labyrinth is canvas, it may not be used outdoors, and walkers must wear socks only.
Borrowing the Labyrinth
The Labyrinth & Resource Kit is housed in the Media Center at the United Methodist Building in Garner. It must be picked up from and returned to the Media Center during business hours, 9:00am-5:00pm, Monday-Friday by appointment only. It cannot be mailed. Both items can easily fit into the backseat or trunk of a car.
Priority is given first for conference‐led, then district‐led, then congregation‐led events, especially in the holy seasons of Lent and Advent. Requests can be made up to 6 months prior to the needed time, with the understanding that if a priority need arises, they will be contacted (conference‐led or district‐led request). The length of time for the request is assumed to be no more than 3 days but longer periods of time are allowed with prior permission and especially for multiple uses. Congregations are encouraged to collaborate with nearby churches so that full usage can be made.
Contact the Media Center to inquire about reserving the labyrinth.