The Center for Leadership Excellence invites you to the final two webinars in our series, The Church Responds to Mental Health, with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). First, on March 10, […]
The Hard Work of Pruning
Letting go of ministries that are no longer bearing fruit is challenging, but essential, work. What would an effective ministry evaluation plan look like for your congregation? How might we […]
Caring for those who Struggle with Mental Health
How can we better understand mental illness and help release ourselves and our congregations from the stigma we may associate with these diseases? Join us for a webinar, where Sandy […]
The Church Responds to Mental Health
The Center for Leadership Excellence is partnering with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) in Wake County to offer a series of three webinars focused on mental health. The first […]
Evaluating, Eliminating, and Energizing: Making Ministry Matter
The Center for Leadership Excellence presents a virtual workshop with Donna Claycomb Sokol… William Sloane Coffin once wrote, “Most church boats don’t like to be rocked; they prefer to lie […]
Join us Wednesday for a Webinar!
Having trouble gearing up for the new year? Join us for a webinar with Alexis Carter Thomas. Participants will be invited to engage with a media clip and Scripture to […]