The Capital district Lay Servant Ministries team presents Lay Servants as Christian Transformational Leaders with Duke Lackey…
Order Your Book!
All participants are expected to read the participant book, Lay Servants as Christian Transformational Leaders by Kathy Merry, Marc Brown, John Briggs, before taking this course.
About the Course:
This course will guide lay servants seeking to be more empowered to lead their congregations toward vitality.
Learners will:
For questions about the course, please contact district directors Janet Groberski ( or James Bernstein (
About Duke Lackey:
Duke is serving in his 40th year in the North Carolina Conference as a United Methodist Pastor. He has served a vast variety of appointments: student, multi-point charge, small town, associate pastor, churches at the end of the life cycle, growing congregations, and now a large congregation.
A life-long learner, Duke seeks to grow as a Christian and as a pastor. He is a Certified Spiritual Director, has received his Doctor of Ministry in Spirituality and a Leadership Coaching certification, and participated in the Royce Reynolds Leadership Program.