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Day of Discovery: Exploring Our Calling

May 31 @ 10:00 am 2:00 pm

Note: There will also be an optional information session on certified lay ministry, 2pm-3pm.

700 Waterfield Ridge Place
Garner, 27529

What to Expect:

  • Worship & Renewal – We’ll begin with a time of worship, grounding ourselves in our shared call through a remembrance of our baptism.
  • Stories & Inspiration – Hear from laity who have stepped into different forms of ministry and discover what opportunities might be right for you.
  • Discernment & Next Steps – Engage in a time of reflection on your spiritual gifts and where God may be leading you next.

All Christians are called to ministry. The work of the church is not just for pastors—it is for all of us. The ministry of the laity is essential for our shared mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. But how is God calling you to serve? And how can you best be equipped to respond to that call?

Lay Servant Ministries provides training and certifications for laity to grow as disciples and develop the skills needed to serve effectively in their local church and beyond. Whether you feel called to lead, teach, preach, or serve in mission, Lay Servant Ministries can support you in your journey.

Join us for the Day of Discovery to learn more about the different options available to laity ready to make a deeper commitment, to listen for God’s voice, and to discern your next faithful step.

There’s no pressure, no expectation—only an invitation to explore where God may be leading you. Whether you’re just beginning to sense a nudge or you’re actively seeking your next step, this day is for you.

Schedule of the Day:

10am-12pm: Listening for God’s Call

  • Opening Worship, with Fairway District Superintendent Sunny Limm preaching
  • Laity Stories, including a certified lay servant, certified lay speaker, certified lay minister, deaconness / home missioner, and licensed local pastor.

12pm-12:45pm: Catered Lunch and Sharing Our Stories

  • Enjoy a catered lunch with conversation around your table. Guided questions will help us share our journeys and discern where God may be leading us next.

12:45-2pm: Exploring Your Spiritual Gifts

  • Led by Certified Lay Minister (CLM) and CLM Training Facilitator Deborah Horton

2pm: Sending Forth to Claim Our Call

2-3pm: Optional CLM Information Session

After our Day of Discovery, those interested in learning more about the Certified Lay Ministry Candidate Training Program will be invited to move to the Cabinet Room for an optional information session. Applications for the upcoming cohort are due in August.

2025 Day of Discovery: Exploring Our Calling

Are you currently?
Do you already hold any of the following certifications or are you already serving in any of the following ways? Select all that apply.
Are you already interested in any of the following?
You need not arrive to the Day of Discovery with any defined goals or interests. However, if you know you are considering any of the following, please tell us! Check all that apply.
Optional CLM Info Session, 2pm-3pm
After our day together, we will move down the hall for an optional information session for anyone thinking about joining our cohort for the 2025-2026 Certified Lay Ministry Training Program. Do you anticipate staying for this session?
Whatever brings you to the Day of Discovery, we are so glad you are joining us! This is a day to celebrate the ministry of the laity and to learn about more ways to connect through Lay Servant Ministries and beyond. Is there anything you want to share about how God is tugging on you? Or about what you hope to discover during our day together?
This day includes a catered lunch. Do you have any food allergies the caterer needs to be aware of?
We are asking for $15/person to offset the costs of the day. However, we do not want cost to deter anyone from participation. Please reach out to lsm@nccumc.org if a scholarship would enable you to participate.
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