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Called to Preach

The Beacon district Lay Servant Ministries team presents Called to Preach with Tom Hallberg and Tom Santa

March 15 @ 8:30 am 5:00 pm

200 Dobbs Street
Hertford, North Carolina 27944
$25 includes lunch

Course scholarships are available to those in need of financial assistance. Scholarships reduce the cost of a course to $5. Please contact your district director or cle@nccumc.org.

About the Course:

This course is designed for those who have not completed formal preaching training, for pastors seeking a basic refresher course, and for others who are called upon to preach in a pastor’s absence.

Learners will:

  • Examine the role of the sermon in the Service of Worship and see it as a proclamation of the Good News;
  • Work through the stages in sermon preparation from message topic to final manuscript;
  • Learn how to assess the congregation’s profile as it impacts sermon creation and delivery;
  • Examine technical issues of grammar, language, word selection, and humor and their impact on delivering the sermon.

Order Your Book!

All participants are expected to read the participant book, From Pew to Pulpit: A Beginners Guide to Preaching by Clifton F. Gurthrie, before taking this course.

For any questions regarding this course, please contact Beacon District Director Tom Santa at tsanta5721@hotmail.com.

About the Facilitators

Tom Hallberg is an ordained elder currently serving at Hertford UMC.  He has taught several lay servant courses and enjoys help others live out their callings from God. He is married to his wife, Misty, and they have two teenage children, Isaac and Clara. 

Tom Santa is a certified lay minister and lay speaker from Moyock UMC. He is passionate about becoming a better disciple and helping others to grow in relationship with God and with one another. He is the husband of Michelle, who introduced him to the Methodist church, and father of Mary Elysse and Lauren. Tom retired from the Navy after 22 years as an active-duty Nurse Corps officer and now serves as a full-time family and acute care nurse practitioner.
