If you attended the Thursday morning laity session at Annual Conference, you heard Ann Davis share about her experience in the year-long certified lay ministry training program. And if you attended the ordination and commissioning service, you witnessed seven new certified lay ministers affirm their commitments as they were commissioned for lay ministry in our conference.
Survey Winners Announced – Two More Chances to Win!
Thank you to the 175 NC Conference United Methodist laity who have filled out our survey. These responses are already helping us to plan learning opportunities to meet the needs […]
Survey for United Methodist Laity
The NC Conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries invites all NC Conference United Methodist laity to complete this survey. Help us plan upcoming Lay Servant Ministries classes that meet the […]
Lay Equalization Plan Nominations
In 2021, our Annual Conference adopted a Lay Equalization Plan that helps guide the nomination and selection process for At-Large Lay Members for the NC Annual Conference. The purpose of […]
Small Group Opportunities for Certified Lay Speakers
The NC Conference Lay Servant Ministries is offering small group opportunities for certified lay speakers. With a two-fold goal of building relationships and strengthening skills, these facilitated small groups will […]
Welcome to the Board of Laity!
Laity outnumber the clergy in our conference by at least 100 to 1 – so we have an incredibly important opportunity to develop, encourage, and inspire our laity to exciting […]