The conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries requires background checks for all persons seeking to become or to renew as a certified lay speaker or certified lay minister. This is another way those in leadership can demonstrate a commitment to the safety and protection of children, youth, and vulnerable adults that is essential in ministry.
The applicant will complete a permission form and the confidential screening will be done by Trak-1, a company used by the conference that supplies background checks for organizations across the US. An applicant needs to complete the screening permission form and submit payment to the conference office at least a week prior to their interview by the respective district committee on Lay Servant Ministries (for lay speakers) or district committee on ordained ministry (for lay ministers). The fee is $10 and can be paid by check or through our online payment portal.
What if I don’t want to write down my Social Security Number? We understand the concern with emailing and even mailing a paper with your SSN. If you do not want to include it on the form, please write a phone number where we can reach you instead. We still need the form and your signed permission to complete the check. When we are ready to run the check, we can call you to get the SSN over the phone.