Mutual Ministry Team
The mutual ministry team consists of 3-5 members of the local church who, along with the district superintendent and supervising clergyperson, provide guidance and support for the certified lay minister (CLM) as partners in ministry.
Expectations of Members of the Mutual Ministry Team
- Become familiar with certified lay ministry – Watch the video below!
- Help build a ministry covenant.
- Travel with the CLM on the training journey by checking in with them on their learning and providing feedback.
- Review ministry covenant to make changes and adjustments as needed (at least yearly).
- Provide support in the assignment through relational partnering.
Video for Mutual Ministry Teams
If you are on the mutual ministry team or are considering becoming part of the mutual ministry team for a certified lay minister in your congregation, check out this video from Conference Lay Leader John Hall, explaining the role of the certified lay minister and the mutual ministry team.
Ministry Covenant
The ministry covenant is like a job description. It outlines the responsibilities of the certified lay minister in the congregation to assure that there is a clear understanding of the expectations of the CLM and other members of the mutual ministry team in the congregation. For example, a ministry covenant might include the following:
- a short mission statement or description of the congregation and the purpose or role of the CLM;
- the congregation’s ministry plan;
- the financial responsibilities to the CLM;
- ministry assessment and evaluation.
Certified lay ministers learn about creating a ministry covenant during the first module of their cohort year: “Call and Covenant for Ministry.”
The ministry covenant is an evolving document. The mutual ministry team and the CLM should review it annually and revise it as needed. The ministry covenant will form the basis of the ministry review, completed every two years as part of the renewal process, and will be submitted along with the ministry review to charge conference. See Certified Lay Minister: How to Renew.