Certified lay ministers (CLMs) are movers and shakers in their communities and they are involved in a wide-range of different ministries that reflect their specific gifts and callings.
Last week, we shared a video of one CLM candidate, Sue Ann Jatko, presenting her ministry project, a culminating project unique to the NC Conference’s CLM training program that gives candidates an opportunity to share their vision and plan for ministry as a CLM.
Sue Ann is one of 8 CLM candidates who have been together since September, working through the four training modules, building relationships with their pastor and district superintendent, and creating a team of support in their local church, all as a part of their preparation to become certified lay ministers.
We give thanks to God for all of these CLM candidates and the ways they are answering God’s call on their lives…

Back Row (left to right):
- Rick Stanford (Millbrook UMC, Capital) is drawing on his years of experience as a restaurant owner to create a hospitality ministry at his church.
- Dick Morrison (Wrightsville UMC, Harbor) is instituting regular worship services in a retirement community and organizing a team of laity to ensure the worship and ministry remains sustainable.
- Jeanne Gregory (Trinity UMC-Southport, Harbor) is instituting a ministry fair in her congregation to build connections between people involved in different ministries and to share with the congregation and community about the many ways to become involved.
- Lisa O’Donnell (Live Oak UMC, Harbor) is building a food pantry ministry in partnership with the three congregations her pastor serves.
- Sue Ann Jatko (St. Francis UMC, Fairway) is partnering with the NC Conference to increase awareness of spiritual direction opportunities for United Methodists.
Front Row (left to right):
- Mary McLeod (St. Matthews UMC, Gateway) is establishing a preschool to meet a need for affordable childcare in her community and to share the love of Jesus with children who may not attend church otherwise.
- Shannon Perkins (St. James UMC, Heritage) is still listening for God’s direction but plans to start with her own Girl Scout troop. She is encouraging her church to use its space and partner to sponsor cooking classes for children who may be home alone to learn to prepare healthy food without needing to turn on an oven.
- Lusi Radford (Avent Ferry UMC, Capital) is reestablishing adult Christian discipleship in her church, starting with a Tenx10 study for adults that will run in parallel to the youth confirmation class.
How is God calling you to deepen your witness and commitment as a lay person?
If you are curious about certified lay ministry, we invite you to join us for a Day of Discovery, Saturday, June 1, 10am-3pm, at the NC Conference Building in Garner. We’ll share about the CLM training program and what it means to be a certified lay minister in our conference. Lunch is provided free of charge to all registrants.