The NC Conference Lay Servant Ministries is offering small group opportunities for certified lay speakers. With a two-fold goal of building relationships and strengthening skills, these facilitated small groups will meet for six sessions on Zoom.
After an introductory session where lay speakers share their own call stories, groups will spend four weeks reading scripture together and sharing insights that may become the basis of a sermon. Then, in the final session, groups will reflect on a sermon (preferably delivered by a group member) in order to provide feedback and reflect together on best practices for moving from idea to sermon.

These groups will be facilitated by the Rev. Dr. Ellen McCubbin, a retired elder and certified Transitional Intentional Interim Ministry Specialist who first answered her call to ministry by becoming a certified lay speaker in our conference. Drawing on this experience, Ellen is passionate about equipping laity to respond to their own callings to ministry. Ellen loves her dog, Barney, kayaking, and finding new adventures. She is excited to work with our current lay speakers to build community and plan sermons.
If you are already a certified lay speaker and would like to join one of these small groups, please sign up below. We are offering two different times:
- Mondays, noon-1pm (specific dates to meet will be April 17, April 24, May 1, May 8, May 22, and June 5)
- Tuesdays, 7pm-8pm (specific dates to meet will be April 18, April 25, May 2, May 9, May 23, and May 30)
Registration for this opportunity has closed. If you are interested in being a part of it, please email We may have availability for one more person to join a group.