Love for Liberia
Key goals of Love for Liberia:
- Engaging ministry through the seven pathways of ministry in discipleship and formation for the transformation of the world.
- Listening to the requests for assistance from our brothers and sisters in need in Liberia.
- Sharing those needs with individuals and churches throughout our Annual Conference.
- Supporting eight specific ministries where our Conference can make a difference.
- Working to put a “face on mission” so that the needs of real people in Liberia are shown and so that God’s people can respond.
- Working with and for the children and youth of Liberia whenever possible. To make a difference in the lives of children who are often overlooked in a society that is trying to rebuild after devastating wars.
- Working with and through the ministries of the missionaries of the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church.
- Sending work teams to Liberia.
- Bringing persons from Liberia to itinerate among the local churches in the Annual Conference.
A Partnership with the Liberia Annual Conference –
Connected in the Love of Jesus
The people of the North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church have a long history with the people of Liberia. In 1832, the first United Methodist Missionary journeyed from Edenton Street UMC to Liberia, seeking to share the love and life of Jesus with our Liberian brothers and sisters. Melville Cox died in Liberia while sharing this magnificent love and story. He gave his life so that others would live. Today, after 25 years of civil war, in the midst of tribal tensions, factional hatred, and desperate poverty, our Liberian brothers and sisters suffer deeply. The need for such dramatic outreach still exists.
Melville Cox, when warned he might die in Africa, exclaimed, “Let a thousand die before Africa be given up!” Let us remember. Let us not give up. This is “Love for Liberia.”