The creation care committees of the North Carolina and Western North Carolina Conferences have recently taken on the task of advocating with our federal legislatures who are at work on the Farm Bill.
Opportunities to meet with legislative aids for Congresswoman Alma Adams, Congressman Don Davis, and Congressman David Rouzer have been scheduled in anticipation of the Farm Bill coming before Congress in September.
Please watch this video or read below for more information on why and how these advocacy efforts are taking place.
The Farm Bill is a trillion dollar piece of legislation that is brought before Congress for approval every five years. A large part of the farm bill addresses nutrition in our communities. Other parts of the Farm Bill look at equity for minority farmers, the promotion of sustainable and regenerative agriculture practices, financing opportunities for greener farm practices, and rural development. This is why our creation care teams have felt led to address the Farm Bill.
If you would like to be a part of our ongoing advocacy efforts, please reach out to Keith Sexton at
You can also be a part of our September 5 webinar with Keith by registering at this link.
And don’t forget to check out all of our Season of Creation Webinars.
Advocacy: Connecting Faith and Public Policy

September 5, 7:00
Tired of the partisan divide? Exhausted with the political wrangling? Good News! Advocacy is nothing like the political theatre in the media! Advocacy is civil, reasoned conversation with a genuine exchange of ideas and the opportunity to effect real policy change.
If you are ready for a positive, rewarding, faithful approach to Christian confession in the public square, then join us for the Season of Creation webinar, Advocacy: Connecting Faith and Public Policy, September 5 at 7:00.
Heat Resiliency and the Local Community

September 12, 7:00
July 2023 was the hottest month recorded in global history, yet it seems this is just the beginning. What can we do to make our communities more heat resilient? How can local churches prepare to love our neighbors in the years ahead?
Join Dr. Ashley Ward, director of the Heat Policy Innovation Hub of the Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment and Sustainability at Duke University, as she shares about the real dangers of rising temperatures, and what we can do about it.
Eco-Grief: How Do We Respond to Climate Change?

September 19, 7:00
Climate change has been described as the greatest threat the human race has ever faced. As this cataclysm looms, many are reporting feeling anxious, afraid, sad, guilty and even paralyzed. The threat of climate change has already started impacting our mental health and our hope for the future.
Psychiatrist Brendan Johnson and eco-theologian Ryan Cagle will be joining us to share about their work around eco-grief, this anxiety centered around our fears of climate change. Join us as Johnson and Cagle explain this relatively new area of mental health, and provide us some guidance for dealing with it.
Energy Use and God’s Creation

September 26, 7:00
What measures can individuals and congregations take to save energy and reduce carbon waste? What renewable and sustainable energy options are out there? How are the Bible and God’s teachings connected to our power bills? Join us on September 26 to learn answers to these questions and more. Our time together will be led by John Rees.
John Rees is a retired Energy Engineer from NC State University and is active with several organizations focused on care of Creation. He performs energy audits for North Carolina Interfaith Power & Light and Waste Reduction Partners.