This webinar with Sarah Heath took place on June 29, 2020. You can watch the recording below, or check out our Past Webinars to catch up on any others you may have missed!
About the Webinar:
Preachers are proclaiming during a time when life feels chaotic, so much is unknown, and anxiety is high. More than ever, your experiences, your community’s experiences, and how you integrate story into sermons can help people understand scripture and its impact on their lives.
About Sarah Heath:

Sarah Heath is an ordained United Methodist clergywoman. Originally from Canada, Sarah attended Duke Divinity School where she earned her Master of Divinity degree in 2005. Sarah is the lead and founding pastor of a church restart in Southern California. She is the host and creator of the Sonderlust podcast and the author of two books — What’s Your Story? and The Authenticity Challenge. Sarah’s work challenges people to tell their story, invite everyone to the table, find restoration instead of demolition, and connect the spiritual with the ordinary.