This webinar with Christine Parton Burkett took place on April 14, 2020. Watch the recording below, or go back to our Past Webinars page to view more webinars.
About the webinar:
Preachers everywhere are picking up what they have…from a 4-year-old iPhone to a webcam, an FM broadcast to 4K live-stream, preaching in empty churches and living rooms and backyards. Yet it may not be intuitive how to change from the routine of Sundays behind the pulpit to Sundays in front of the camera.
In this webinar, Christine Parton Burkett will discuss the nature of online delivery in the time of COVID-19. We will look at what we keep from our old ways of preaching and what we leave behind. We will address the practical aspects of camera anxiety, staging, posture, and presence. And we will remember the ancient truth about preaching; God already has powerful plans for your worship.
About Christine Parton Burkett:

Christine Parton Burkett has served as the lecturing fellow in speech at Duke Divinity School in Durham, N.C., since 1991. In this role, she has worked with seminary students across Christian traditions to encourage their strengths and identify areas for growth, focusing especially—but not exclusively—on excellence in full-bodied delivery. She has been a featured presenter at more than one hundred retreats, workshops and conferences for clergy around the United States and in Canada, and she regularly coaches clergy and lay worship leaders using tools that she has created including reader’s theater, choric readings, and biblical story-telling. Her writing on preaching, scripture reading, and other forms of public proclamation has been featured in publications such as Faith & Leadership and The Concise Encyclopedia of Preaching (1994). She holds degrees in theater and speech language pathology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.