This webinar took place on August 19, 2020. Watch the recording below or check out our other Past Webinars to catch up on any you may have missed!
About the Webinar:
Jimmy McKinnell of Life Around the Table and Michelle Osborne of RAFI-USA teamed up to share about food, faith, and justice. Jimmy started with a theological background for why churches should get involved in ministries related to food and justice. Then, Michelle shared stories of churches across NC that have engaged in this work. Come learn about creative partnerships between churches and farms, and be inspired to think outside of the box to imagine innovative ways your church could get involved in food and justice ministry.
About Michelle Osborne:

Michelle serves as the Come to the Table Program Manager for Faith-Based and Community Partnerships. The CTTT program connects faith communities with farmers, farmers market managers, and other community leaders engaged in food access work to increase capacity and promote equity. Michelle earned a Master of Divinity from Duke Divinity School and a Master of Social Work from the UNC-CH School of Social Work, and has served in leadership positions in churches, nonprofit ministries, and community organizing groups. In her free time, Michelle performs improv comedy and plays with her dog.
About RAFI-USA and Come to the Table:
At RAFI-USA, we envision a future in which people work in partnership to build strong, self-reliant communities where everyone can eat healthy, just, and sustainable food. RAFI-USA brings this vision to life through Come to the Table. Come to the Table’s objective is to relieve hunger and strengthen just, sustainable agriculture in rural North Carolina. We engage and mobilize people of faith, farmers, and communities to increase food security, address poverty, and strengthen justice in our food system.
About Jimmy McKinnell:

Jimmy McKinnell grew up in Tallahassee, FL, where he studied Environmental Science at Florida State University. In 2018 he graduated with an MDiv from Duke Divinity School, following a desire to think theologically about our relationship to food and land. Over the last year and a half, he has kept digging into this passion in his work with Life Around the Table. He currently lives in Durham, NC, making time to learn how to make his favorite foods like biscuits and pickles.
About Life Around the Table:
Life Around the Table works to equip Christian communities to participate in the flourishing of all creation, by cultivating practices of faithful eating and Sabbath delight. We do this through our core ministries, Eating Together Faithfully & Sabbath Life, which focus on fostering robust conversation around food and faith and encouraging practices of Sabbath delight in our daily lives.