This webinar took place on October 19, 2020, and was the second in a five-webinar series presented by the Crossroads Team, Racial Equity and Justice Ministries, and Center for Leadership Excellence. Watch the recording below, or visit our Past Webinars page to catch up on any other webinars you may have missed.
About the Crossroads 2020 Webinar Series:
The Crossroads 2020: Prophetic Living in a Broken World webinar series highlights four different ethnic groups, the history of racism and exclusionary policy each group has experienced in the United States, and how racism is currently manifested and experienced by the groups. We hope that opening up our minds to how others experience the world will move us closer to who God needs us to be, as prophetic voices in this broken world.
About the Rev. Dr. Michael Battle:

Currently appointed as Herbert Thompson Professor of Church and Society and Director of the Desmond Tutu Center at General Theological Seminary in New York, the Very Rev. Michael Battle, Ph.D. has an undergraduate degree from Duke University, received his master’s of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary, a master’s of Sacred Theology from Yale University, and a Ph.D. in theology and ethics, also from Duke University. He was ordained a priest by Archbishop Desmond Tutu in 1993. Battle’s clergy experience, in addition to his current church work, includes serving as vicar at St. Titus Episcopal Church in Durham, NC, rector at Church of Our Saviour, in San Gabriel, California; rector at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church, Raleigh, N.C.; and interim rector or associate priest with other churches in North Carolina and in Cape Town, South Africa.
On two occasions he moved into churches located in ethnically changing neighborhoods (to Asian in one and to Hispanic in the other) and helped both to adapt and grow. He also served as provost and canon theologian for the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles. In 2010, Battle was given one of the highest Anglican Church distinctions as “Six Preacher,” by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.
Battle’s academic experience includes service at Episcopal Divinity School, Virginia Theology Seminary, Duke Divinity School, and the School of Theology at the University of the South. Battle has published nine books, including Reconciliation: the Ubuntu Theology of Desmond Tutu and Ubuntu: I in You and You in Me.