This webinar took place on August 26, 2020. Watch the recording below, or visit our Past Webinars page to catch up on any others you may have missed…
About the Webinar:
Unpredictable, uncertain times can cause a congregation and its leaders to look “down and in” with discouragement and even fear. But a vibrant, churchwide foundation of ongoing “breakthrough prayer” is simpler to launch than you think. And it’s the most effective strategy imaginable in order to shift a church’s perspective to looking up and out, with hope and expectation for God’s new possibilities to unfold!
Learn more about what a “Breakthrough Prayer Initiative” is, how you can practically implement it not only in your congregation but also in your personal prayer life—plus gain many ideas and examples from churches across the country who are continuously refueling their breakthrough prayer focus with miraculous impact.
About Sue Nilson Kibbey:

The Rev. Sue Nilson Kibbey is a United Methodist ordained elder, currently serving as the Director of the Office of Missional Church Development for the West Ohio Conference. For the last ten years, Sue has been the designer and director of the Missional Church Consultation Initiative (MCCI), a unique training/implementation/coaching renewal effort that has assisted 160+ churches across six different UM conferences to jumpstart a new lifecycle of fruitfulness, all foundationally fueled by a robust and ongoing Breakthrough Prayer Initiative. Sue’s previous appointment was as executive pastor of Ginghamsburg UMC in Tipp City, Ohio. She is a trainer, consultant, and the author of six books—and the two most recent include specifics about her passion for breakthrough prayer: Floodgates: Holy Momentum for a Fearless Church and Ultimate Reliance: Breakthrough Prayer Practices for Leaders (both published by Abingdon Press). Sue is adjunct faculty at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio, and teaches the “Leadership for Ministry” course for Master of Divinity students.