This webinar with Alix Felsing took place on May 13, 2020. Watch the recording below or go back to our Past Webinars page to view more webinars.
About the Webinar:
Resilience? What resilience? The global COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our usual routines. We’re working at home, juggling kids and their schoolwork, keeping a worried eye on elderly parents, and watching the economy collapse. No wonder we’re tired All. The. Time. In this discussion about resilience, Alix Felsing will talk about how you can build and restore some equilibrium in uncertain times.
About Alix Felsing

Alix Felsing is an executive coach, teacher, and communication consultant. She teaches resilience and journaling at the Davidson Centre for the Professions, where she coaches clergy as they transform insights into actions. Alix teaches business communication at Queens University of Charlotte’s McColl School of Business, where she earned a master’s degree in organization development and a coaching certificate. Always curious, she honed her skill in asking questions during a long career as a journalist and editor, and still listens for insights in her roles as coach and communicator.