Why Choose to Join Rooted in Love?
During listening sessions across the conference, we asked groups of rural church leaders what their pressing needs were. They told us they needed additional tools to become as welcoming as possible. After all, our churches want to see discipleship, growth, and vitality. And, we all have our blind spots…churches are no different. It is hard for us to be aware of what we continually and regularly see and experience. Rooted in Love will give your congregation fresh eyes for what a newbie experiences when they visit.
What opportunities are you missing to be a welcoming presence for everyone who wants to find a church home…join Rooted in Love to find out!
What is Rooted in Love?
Rooted in Love is a short-term program with potential for significant, long-term impact. It’s an opportunity to equip rural churches with thorough hospitality resourcing and a step-by-step process to visit nearby churches to evaluate what others are doing. Seeing how others welcome can be eye-opening and ministry-changing.
Congregations will also learn the importance of building authentic relationships with people they are helping through mission and ministry – working with our neighbors in solidarity instead of seeing the needs as charity. Finally, you will gain tools to build relationships with others in their community who are different than those they see sitting in the pews on Sunday. After all, being a United Methodist is about building connections with others, not with our own church members!
By participating in Rooted in Love, your church leaders will better understand the value of building relationships with people outside of their current church community. In doing so, they may fully claim the vitality the rural church can offer.
Who should participate?
We believe in the importance of laity and clergy learning together. We desire to include as many of your church leaders and members as can come! Pastors and laity alike will be equipped for hospitality and new relationships with visitors and others they serve.
What is the commitment?
Rooted in Love includes four in-person gatherings with worship and content, starting in the fall of 2024 and ending in the spring of 2025. Each gathering aims to bring several churches in one region together to build community across the United Methodist connection. Worship and sessions will be about four to five hours long and will include a meal, provided for you. A fourth and final shorter gathering will bring the churches back together to celebrate, share a meal, and reflect on the content and lessons learned.
We will bring our session leaders to you so that travel is not a barrier. Your churches will provide worship leaders and space to gather. We will take care of the rest!
What did I hear about a mini-grant?
Being a part of Rooted in Love means that when your team dreams of a way to make your church more welcoming, there will be some funds to help you do it. Each church that fully participates in the program will receive a $750 mini-grant to spruce up a sign, build a welcome cart, throw a neighborhood block party, improve your food ministry outreach, or run a campaign on social media.
How do I sign up?
Let us know if your church is interested by completing the form on this page. This program is funded by The Duke Endowment. There is no cost to participate!
Session Descriptions
Session 1 – Rooted in Hospitality: Cultivating Hospitable Churches and Congregations, with Jason Moore
Options are Friday afternoon (November 1), Saturday morning (November 2), or Sunday afternoon (November 3)
Sometimes, we have blind spots. All churches have visitors who come and do not return. This session will help existing church members understand any barriers to visitors feeling welcomed and included in their programs and worship. The content will help you understand how visitors experience your worship service and navigate your church culture. Our focus will be on what we can do to help newcomers feel like they belong from day one.
Session 2 – Rooted in Mission: Moving from Charity to Solidarity, with Dr. Margaret Brunson
Options are Friday afternoon (January 31), Saturday morning (February 1), or Sunday afternoon (February 2)
Food pantries and free meals are great resources for our communities, helping to meet basic human needs. Yet, congregations can learn to take the next step and fully embody being the church by standing in solidarity with those they help. This session will help churches understand “the why” when planning and initiating church and community mission work. Congregations will better understand how to walk alongside their neighbors in partnership instead of through charity alone.
Session 3 – Rooted in Relationship: Seeing Your Neighbor, with Dr. Margaret Brunson
Options are Friday afternoon (March 28), Saturday morning (March 29), or Sunday afternoon (March 30)
When we meet someone new, we often look for the similarities and the commonalities in our lives and backgrounds to start conversations. Giving us a common ground to connect is important! Yet, as disciples, we are called to develop and deepen friendships and relationships with those who are different than we are. It’s key to living fully as the body of Christ. During this session, you will have a chance to develop skills to connect authentically with others.
Session 4: Reflection and Lessons Learned, Dates TBD
Since change takes time and reflection, we will schedule a shorter reflection session about three months after Session 3. This will be an opportunity for the church members and pastors to formally share any “wins” and learnings. We will find ways to celebrate even small changes and enjoy a meal together.
If you are interested in Rooted in Love, please email cle@nccumc.org.
About Jason Moore

Known for his pioneering work in collaborative worship design and guest readiness, Jason Moore has devoted the last two plus decades to resources development, training, and coaching & consulting that works for local churches of all sizes, styles, and means.
The author of 10 books, Jason has designed worship alongside such leaders as Adam Hamilton, Michael Slaughter, Tony Campolo, Brian McClaren, and Leonard Sweet. He has also lead hundreds of seminars and keynote addresses across North America, teaching in 47 states in the USA.
Jason began his ministry in the late 90s at Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church in Tipp City, Ohio, and later went on to co-found Midnight Oil Productions. In addition to Midnight Oil, Jason has worked with numerous denominations as a creativity consultant, media producer, and trainer.
His book From Franchise to Local Dive: Multiplying Your Church By Discovering Your Contextual Flavor, a book on revitalizing and starting new worship experiences, is available at www.franchise2dive.com.
About Margaret Brunson

Dr. Margaret A. Brunson is a leader and luminary who considers brunch a verb, wellness a priority, dance floors sacred, and music one of life’s greatest treasures. After a successful leadership career in healthcare and the nonprofit & public sector, she founded Illumined Leadership Solutions, a consulting and coaching firm that leads people to and through transformation.
As a thought leader, scholar, + practitioner, Dr. Margaret’s passion guides leaders, executives, entrepreneurs, organizations, and businesses to and through transformative leadership practices and solutions that will lead to holistic success.
Dr. Margaret earned a BA in psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Master of Public Administration from North Carolina Central University, and a Ph.D. in leadership studies from North Carolina A&T State University.