Safe Sanctuaries Basics & Best Practices

St. Luke UMC (Fairway District) 2916 Wicker St, Sanford, North Carolina

The NC Conference Safe Sanctuaries Team will offer a "Basics and Best Practices" workshop designed for those who need a refresher on basics and best practices and/or for those who are new to their local church's Safe Sanctuaries team. Lunch is included at no cost, but a $10 donation can be made towards the cost of food & supplies for the event during registration.


Disability Theology

Disabled people are 26% of the population, and yet, so frequently dismissed or ignored in church communities. In this session, Dr. Amy Kenny will outline the value and importance of disability theology, and invite church leaders to learn from the embodied wisdom of disabled people by practicing disability theology.  


Accessibility Audits and Becoming a Place that Welcomes All

Does your congregation and church building offer intentional hospitality to people with disabilities? An accessibility audit is a tool to measure not just physical accessibility but also attitudes and accommodations for sensory and communication needs. The audit process helps you set goals for continued progress in making your ministries fully inclusive so that everyone’s gifts and graces are utilized in the service of God.


Ableism in the Church

In this webinar, Melinda Baber will highlight experiences of ableism in the church and provide tools for church members to recognize ableism in their own contexts, disrupt it, and dismantle it.


Behavior 101: Understanding Human Behavior in Faith Settings

All behavior is communication. In this behavior 101 training you will learn how people use behavior to communicate their wants and needs. You will also be introduced behavioral analysis and learn strategies to prevent harmful behaviors from happening. Jesus used many of these strategies in his ministry and soon you can too!


Stranger to Neighbor

NC Conference Building, Dixon Chapel 700 Waterfield Ridge Place, Garner, NC

The Center for Leadership Excellence, in partnership with Race, Equity, & Justice Ministries, presents a Day of Learning with Daynette Snead Perez.


Navigating Church Conflict

Conflict within a church community can be challenging, but it also presents an opportunity for growth and reconciliation. This insightful webinar will delve into the heart of church conflict, helping you understand its root causes and equipping you with essential tools for effectively managing and resolving these issues.


Conference-Wide Leadership Training

Join us for one of six virtual workshops designed to equip you to serve in your local church. Whether you are starting a new leadership role, or have been serving in church leadership for years, we hope this model of leadership training will prepare you for your much-needed ministry. Laity and clergy in partnership with one another is the key to a church’s success in making disciples.

The Good News of Shipwreck: What Does Church Look Like Now?

Research on congregations after Covid is mixed: attendance, giving, volunteers are on the rise--while American church life overall continues to shrink in influence and size.  Many congregations still feel shipwrecked - an experience that we will reframe using the story of Paul’s shipwreck on Malta.


Teaching So Kids Can Learn


Deepen your awareness of age-appropriate learning strategies integral to teaching and discipling children effectively. Also, our presenter will share several pointers about shaping your ministry to welcome children with different needs. Be prepared at your computer with a thin wire hanger and some colorful art supplies such as a few crayons, watercolors, or markers.


Safer Sanctuaries: Train the Trainer

NC Conference Building, Dixon Chapel 700 Waterfield Ridge Place, Garner, NC

The purpose of this in-person training is to equip leaders with new and updated Safer Sanctuaries material from the recently published resource. This workshop is relevant for leaders responsible for Safe Sanctuaries in district, conference, and local church contexts. Attendees will leave prepared to train others and will have the ability to implement holistic Safe Sanctuaries ministry in their churches.
