Leading During Anxious Times

St. Andrews UMC 1201 Maxwell Dr, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

I believe that God, whose middle name is Surprise, shows up in the most unusual places, spaces, and faces, and is still at work in the midst of it all, including in anxiety and chaos.


Reviewing & Updating Your Safe Sanctuaries Policy

Dixon Chapel, United Methodist Building 700 Waterfield Ridge Place, Garner, NC

This workshop will equip you to review, update, and fine-tune your existing Safe Sanctuaries policy. Participants should bring a copy of their church’s current Safe Sanctuaries policy with them to this event.


QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer): Suicide Prevention Equipping for Faith Leaders


QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer – the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. This popular, evidence-based, nationally recognized training is modified for faith communities using supplementary material from the QPR Institute and can be provided in approximately 90 minutes.


Safe Sanctuaries Course

Designed for laity, this course equips participants to understand the need for Safe Sanctuaries in every congregation. Participants will gain a better understanding of what Safe Sanctuaries means to them, their churches, and those they are protecting.


Preaching Amid Trauma and Change

These are challenging times in which to preach and minister. We live in a pandemic-scarred world where communities are being asked to reimagine what it means to be church. Denominational affiliations are shifting, with church members and leaders feeling adrift or in flux.

Conference-Wide Leadership Training

Join us for one of five virtual workshops designed to equip you to serve in your local church as Lay Leader or on the Finance, Trustees, Nominations, or Staff/Pastor Parish

Messy Church Information Session

The tag line for the Messy Church movement is, Church, but not as you know it. If you have attended church for a long time, Messy Church may not look like church to you. At Messy Church, all ages meet together to learn about Christ through games, crafts and activities, music, and storytelling from the Bible.

El Corazón Ardiente for Renewing Doctrine, Worship, and Mission

“Church renewal” is widely discussed across Methodism today, but renewal will not happen apart from serious engagement with and from the margins of society. In this webinar, Dr. Colón-Emeric offers key insights drawn from his new book, The People Called Metodista: Renewing Doctrine, Worship, and Missions from the Margins.

Don’t Look Back: United Methodist Hope for the Future

The Center for Leadership Excellence presents a webinar specifically designed for UMC laity. In this webinar, Will Willimon will reflect with participants on "Where do we go from here" in our congregations? What is the most important work that needs to be done in your church in the present moment?

Courage to Ask: What Your People Want to Hear

To increase your knowledge and experience cultivating donors, this virtual workshop is designed to equip and empower everyone to ask with courage. You already have the most important skills, and everything else you need can be learned. Whether you are experienced or terrified of "asking," this workshop will equip you for courageous conversations that cultivate generosity. Take a step toward your leadership potential to raise both resources and generosity!


A Time Away: A Retreat for NCCUMC Clergy

Saint Frances Springs Prayer Center 77 Grogan Rd, Stoneville, NC

The time away at beautiful Saint Francis Springs Prayer Center will offer opportunity to disengage from the many demands of congregational ministry and to lean back and listen with the ears of the heart.

