Deepen your awareness of age-appropriate learning strategies integral to teaching and discipling children effectively. Also, our presenter will share several pointers about shaping your ministry to welcome children with different needs.
Be prepared at your computer with a thin wire hanger and some colorful art supplies such as a few crayons, watercolors, or markers.
Josh began his career in church vocations twenty years ago as a student at Pfeiffer University. He has worked in many congregations as a youth/children’s minister as well as a Christian educator. His longest tenure as director of Christian education was at Weaverville UMC where he began a collaborative youth program, wrote VBS curriculum, and led vibrant discipleship ministries for all ages. Josh graduated from Duke Divinity School in 2020 with an MDiv. He currently serves as pastor of Pilmoor Memorial UMC and Mt Hermon UMC in the Beacon District. He continues to use his years of experience as a foundation in his pastoral role and collaborative ministry.