There can sometimes be a sense of feeling overwhelmed in ministry. The to-do list is very long, the emails pile up within a matter of hours, and other projects call for our immediate attention. Then there are the challenges of serving alongside others and the possibility of roadblocks at times, not to mention balancing family and personal needs. This is when friends in ministry can be invaluable. They listen, they pray, they can help problem solve, and they speak words of hope and peace into one’s hectic and demanding life.
An Encouragement for February
“How are you?” I recently asked a church member.
“I’m stuck in a house with 2 teen boys and a husband!” she said. “You know what I realize? I miss missing them.”
I hope Hallmark is tracking with her! “I miss missing you” is a great pandemic word this Valentine’s Day. There is just no easy way to be this close for this long to other humans.
An Encouragement for January
How many roles do you occupy in life? How many different “hats” do you wear? Pastor? Mother? Grandmother? Aunt? Friend? Spouse? Teacher? I could name a million more. If I sense one common thread from my female friends and colleagues of all ages, it is that we feel so pulled in many different directions. We may even think that this is a good thing – something we are called to live with. After all, read what Paul writes in Corinthians:
An Encouragement for December
Two days ago, we entered the season of Advent. For me, one of the most poignant Advent texts is the account of Mary’s visit to Elizabeth. Both women are experiencing […]
An Encouragement for November
Just in time for All Saints Day, I led the funeral of an everyday saint. A “Renaissance woman” and natural athlete, Donna White, who was born blind, roller-skated, played tennis, […]
An Encouragement for October
I’m leading a Bible Study on Zoom on Wednesday nights using a new book by NT Wright specifically for these days of social distancing, God and the Pandemic: A Christian […]