At the heart of the North Carolina Conference’s vision statement is the core emphasis placed on leadership – the leaders who make a difference in our congregations, on the mission field, and in our communities.
“Effective Leaders and Healthy Congregations Making Disciples for Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World”
NC Conference Vision
In ministry, the effectiveness of the leaders influences congregational health. It makes sense. If the church is managed with clarity of purpose, if conflict is dealt with in healthy ways, if leaders know how to navigate change and transitions, congregations will be prepared to reach out to the community, neighbors, and organizations as Christians.
The Center for Leadership Excellence develops programs, both transformational and catalytic, to equip leaders with practical content, making lasting changes in leadership.

Latest Updates
Looking Inward, Living Outward: The Spiritual Practice of Social Transformation
Join us for a transformative event inspired by Daniel Wolpert’s latest book, which explores the intersection of spirituality and social justice. In a world marked by pain and division, this gathering seeks to foster communities of care and healing by reconnecting with Jesus’s radical teachings. Continue Reading→
Join us for Effective Grassroots Advocacy: Developing Your Toolbox
Are you looking for a way to start your advocacy efforts? Are you stuck determining the best way to use your time and voice? Whether your focus is creation care, healthcare, or refugee rights, join this workshop to begin equipping yourself with strategies and tools. Continue Reading→
Tell Us About Your Fresh Expression
Are you engaging in a Fresh Expression of church? If so, we want to know! In late 2024, we hosted a gathering with FX United Methodist leader Michael Beck. Over 150 clergy and laity came to get a taste of Fresh Expressions and to begin imagining how one could blossom in their context. Continue Reading→
Leadership and Church Administration: Summertime
The Center for Leadership Excellence presents Summertime, a Leadership and Church Administration workshop with Laura Thompson and Carl Frazier. Engage with colleagues and explore strategies for preaching, planning, and programming during the summer months.“Summertime and the living is easy,” Clara sings to open Porgy and Bess. For many of our members, it may seem that… Continue Reading→
From Prayer to Action—Now Is the Time!
Now is the time…Looking Inward, Living Outward with Daniel Wolpert highlights how spiritual practices can empower us to care for others and create communities of healing and justice. Rooted in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, this Day of Learning calls us to turn inward in prayer so we can live outward in service and social transformation. Continue Reading→
Gathering with the Spirit
The Center for Leadership Excellence presents Gathering with the Spirit, a webinar with Daniel Castelo. This webinar will explore the different characteristics and aspects surrounding the Holy Spirit in Scripture, including noting significant passages and trends both in the Old and New Testaments. Continue Reading→
Join us for a Day of Learning…The Spiritual Practice of Social Transformation
In a world of so much hurt, how can we create communities of care and healing? While much of contemporary Christianity careens toward a spirituality of individual salvation and the afterlife, the call of Jesus to create communities that enact justice and bring peace on earth is often tragically ignored. This day of Looking Inward,… Continue Reading→