NextGen Faith Builders Children’s Ministry Cohort is back! After two successful cohorts gathered earlier this year, we are opening up another opportunity for you to gather with other dedicated children’s ministry leaders (volunteer and paid) to delve into the essentials of building a strong children’s program, whether you have five kids or 50.
Join others who have the same goals for learning, idea-sharing, and mutual support to grow children’s ministry in your church! This cohort is scheduled to meet monthly from September 2024 to March 2025.
NextGen Faith Builders
A Cohort for Children’s Ministry Leaders
Presented by the Center for Leadership Excellence
with Carol Van Buskirk
Session Dates and Descriptions:
Session 1: Gathering and Getting to Know One Another
Wednesday, September 11, 12-1:30 pm
During this introductory session, we will introduce ourselves, get to know one another, chart the path for the following sessions, and get a sense of the resourcing offered in the North Carolina Conference.
Session 2: Planning, Planning, Planning
Wednesday, September 18, 12-1:30 pm
Planning children’s ministry means organizing and scheduling for effective and predictable ministry. Learn how to manage an annual children’s calendar and prioritize what you and your team can do. Right size your ministry for current kids, and determine how you can prepare space for more!
Session 3: Volunteers are a Gift
Wednesday, October 9, 12-1:30 pm
Successful volunteer management and relationship building are essential in children’s ministry. Learn how to identify the right leaders for your ministry and determine your volunteers’ gifts. Leaning into their gifts means more fulfilled volunteers who find the joy of serving that brings them back.
Session 4: Creating a Trusted Church Home
Wednesday, November 13, 12-1:30 pm
How do ministry leaders create a trustworthy environment where parents know kids are both nurtured and safe? Get a handle on best practices and draft an outline of Safe Sanctuaries guidelines and policies so parents can trust the church for kids’ safety and spiritual development.
Session 5: Understanding Learning Styles and Successfully Supporting Disability Ministries
Wednesday, January 8, 12-1:30 pm
Deepen your awareness of age-appropriate learning strategies integral to teaching and discipling children effectively. Also, increase your understanding of how to shape your ministry to welcome children with different needs (neurodivergent, sensory needs, ADHD). Discover the abundant resources available to support United Methodist congregations with theologically sound studies and other curricula.
Session 6: Making your Ministry Integral in the Life of the Church
Wednesday, February 12, 12-1:30 pm
How can your children’s ministry be integrated seamlessly into other ministries? What are the best practices for successful intergenerational opportunities? How can your church support not only children attending programs but also the families who care for them?
Session 7: Moving your Ministry into the Community…Thinking Beyond the Church
Wednesday, March 12, 12-1:30 pm
How can you share Christ beyond the walls of your church? Can your children’s ministry meet needs in the community? And how could such opportunities provide avenues to engage in mission and enable your congregation to build relationships with people who would not otherwise have visited your church? Learn about the ways the children and youth in your church could be a part of new initiatives.
About the Facilitator:
Rev. Carol Van Buskirk is a United Methodist Deacon passionate about transforming the world with God’s inclusive love. Carol has a seminary degree from Claremont School of Theology, with emphases in religious education and worship arts. She has more than fifteen years of experience in hands-on kids ministry at various UMC congregations in California, Massachusetts, and North Carolina. Carol’s current calling is resourcing children’s ministry workers through her new website: