Letting go of ministries that are no longer bearing fruit is challenging, but essential, work.
What would an effective ministry evaluation plan look like for your congregation? How might we faithfully discern how to cultivate ministries that are bearing fruit while letting go of those that are no longer needed or making a difference?
The Center for Leadership Excellence invites you to gather a team from your church and join us for a virtual workshop with Donna Claycomb Sokol…
Evaluating, Eliminating, and Energizing: Making Ministry Matter
Presented by the Center for Leadership Excellence
with Donna Claycomb Sokol
February 24, 10am-12pm EST
Registration: $15*
*Bring Your Team! While you are welcome to register as an individual, this work can have the greatest impact when teams work together and then communicate together with the congregation at large. Plus, register 3 or more from your church and receive 20% off your total registration.