The Center for Leadership Excellence presents Effective Grassroots Advocacy: Developing Your Toolbox, a workshop with Keith Sexton.
Join us to learn how to effectively engage elected officials and mobilize your community around the issues that matter most. We are glad to collaborate with our Lighthouse congregations to offer this event.
About the Workshop:
Are you looking for a way to start your advocacy efforts? Are you stuck determining the best way to use your time and voice? Whether your focus is creation care, healthcare, or refugee rights, join this workshop to begin equipping yourself with strategies and tools.
We’ll hear from pastor Keith Sexton about influential methods of reaching elected officials and spend time practicing them in small breakout rooms. Come prepared to participate and brainstorm with others who care about making a difference. After the session, you will be able to register for a live Zoom advocacy call with members of Congress and the Senate.
Take Aways
- Crafting effective advocacy messaging
- Building grassroots coalitions
- Learning and practicing essential advocacy skills
Effective Grassroots Advocacy: Developing Your Toolbox
with Keith Sexton
Thursday, March 13, 12pm–1:30pm ET
About the Presenters:

Keith Sexton is a retired elder in the North Carolina Conference, appointed as chaplain to the NC Collective, as well as pastor of Creedmoor and Bullocks United Methodist Churches. Keith will complete a certificate in Public Theology at Wesley Theological Seminary in May 2026.
He serves as Vice President of the Board of the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association and is an organizing member of the North Carolina Food Systems Advocacy Coalition. Over the past five years, Keith has participated in and led scores of in-person and virtual advocacy engagements with representatives in the North Carolina Legislature, in Congress, and testified before the North Carolina Utilities Commission. He will be sharing insights from his recent advocacy work in Washington, DC.