The Center for Leadership Excellence presents Looking Back, Moving Forward: Strengthening Ministry Through Assessment, a Leadership and Church Administration workshop with Chris Brady and Carl Frazier.
About the Workshop:
In this workshop, we will examine the importance and process of annual assessments and evaluations in strengthening pastoral ministry. We will also consider the significance of looking forward and goal-setting for the year ahead. Chris Brady and Carl Frazier will lead our conversation from both the district superintendents’ and pastors’ points of view.
Leadership and Church Administration
Looking Back, Moving Forward:
Strengthening Ministry Through Assessment
with Chris Brady and Carl Frazier
Tuesday, January 21, 10am–11:30am ET
About the Presenter:

Chris L. Brady is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, serving pastoral roles in diverse congregations in Philadelphia and Chester, Pennsylvania; Hattiesburg, Mississippi; and Durham and Raleigh, NC. He has served as the Director of Youth & Young Adults Ministries for the Eastern PA Conference of the UMC, as Special Assistant to the Dean for Faith-Based Institutional Development, and as Director of Student Life & Formation at Duke Divinity School. He serves on the Board of Directors for Alliance Medical Ministry and Louisburg College.
Chris holds graduate degrees in pastoral ministry, Wesleyan theology, clinical social work, and marriage and family therapy and provides volunteer pastoral care, counseling, and psychotherapy in clinical medical settings. He teaches and frequently lectures on pastoral care, depression, and mental health at Duke University, local churches, annual conferences, and universities.
Before entering ordained ministry full-time, Chris was Director of Community and Economic Development for the YMCA of Philadelphia (PA), directing a city-wide community literacy program and a microenterprise incubator for women. He is a US Army Veteran with over twenty years of service as a combat engineer in both enlisted and commissioned officer ranks.
He currently serves as Chief Missional Strategist & District Superintendent for the Capital District of the North Carolina Annual Conference of the UMC.

Carl Frazier is a retired elder in The United Methodist Church. For 43 years, he has pastored churches of all sizes in the NC Conference from some of the smallest in membership to one of the largest. In addition to his parish work, Carl has served on several Annual and General Conference boards and agencies, as a delegate to three General and four Jurisdictional Conferences, and as a District Superintendent. He has degrees from Barton College (B.A., 1980), Duke University (M.Div., 1984), and Princeton Theological Seminary (D.Min., 2003). As a local church pastor, Carl’s passions were preaching, teaching, vision casting with a congregation, and leadership development in the context of congregational life.