The Center for Leadership Excellence invites you to join us for our Disability Ministries webinar series…
Why does disability theology matter? How can we make our churches more accessible to all people? What are our blind spots? And what can we do to become a church that welcomes all people and engages all people in ministry?
Join us for one, two, or all four webinars this August to learn more about disability ministries and what your church can do to become more welcoming and inclusive for all.
Disability Theology with Amy Kenny, August 1, 12pm-1pm
Amy Kenny, author of My Body is Not a Prayer Request, invites church leaders to learn from the embodied wisdom of disabled people by practicing disability theology. Learn More and Register
Accessibility Audits and Becoming a Church that Welcomes All with Lynn Swedberg, August 15, 12pm-1pm
An accessibility audit is a tool to measure not just physical accessibility but also attitudes and accommodations for sensory and communication needs. This webinar will give you tools and tips to complete the scorable Annual Accessibility Audit for UM churches. Learn More and Register
Ableism in the Church with Melinda Baber, August 22, 12pm-1pm
It is not possible to be a congregation that welcomes all and a congregation that perpetuates ableism at the same time. But how do we dismantle ableism in our congregations if we do not know what it is or how to recognize it? Learn More and Register.
Behavior 101: Understanding Human Behavior in Faith Settings with Joy Van Staalduinen, August 29, 12pm-1pm
All behavior is communication. In this behavior 101 training you will learn how people use behavior to communicate their wants and needs. You will also be introduced to behavioral analysis and learn strategies to prevent harmful behaviors from happening. Jesus used many of these strategies in his ministry and soon you can too! Learn More and Register