The Center for Leadership Excellence is committed to anti-racism. As we enter into Black History month, we wanted to highlight some of the recent events we have hosted that are still available for viewing. In addition, see the invite below to share your own ideas for topics and speakers we might host in the future.
- Anti-Racist Preaching with Lisa Yebuah and Eric Packard (10/14/21)
- XRoads 2020, Week 2 with Michael Battle (10/19/20)
- Self Care as Spiritual Practice for Leaders of Color with Donna Coletrane Battle (5/27/20)
- Anxious to Talk About It: Helping White Christians Talk Faithfully About Racism with Carolyn Helsel (2/13/18)
And don’t forget to check out these other recorded events featuring African-American leaders and visionaries in our conference and beyond:
- Preaching and Trauma with Crystal DesVignes and Kevin Baker (10/28/21)
- Preaching Across the Red/Blue Divide with Justin Coleman and Jabe Largen (10/21/21)
- Contemplating Our Year with Alexis Carter Thomas (1/13/21)
- Change: From Comfort to Courage with Margaret Brunson (1/27/20)
- Embracing Conflict and Building Understanding with Linda Harris (3/26/19)
Do you have ideas for events related to anti-racism? We want to hear from you! Send us an email and share your ideas for topics or speakers you’d like to hear from related to anti-racism. And to learn more about anti-racism efforts across the NC Conference, check out our Anti-Racism page on the website.