We wanted to make you aware of this free resource intended to help pastors navigate the uncertainty in 2022, particularly within the UMC.
Navigating Uncharted Waters is a weekly resource for worship and holy conversation, developed by two NCCUMC pastors, Kevin Baker and Claire Clyburn, in partnership with Western North Carolina Conference (WNCC) pastors Nancy Walton and Beth and Kelly Crissman. Inspired by the teaching of Elaine Heath and funded by the WNCC Leadership Development Team, this resource is free to access and offers lectionary-based preaching/worship recommendations as well as ideas for having holy conversations in your church.
Thus far, materials are available through Transfiguration Sunday. Lent will be added soon, with the plan of posting resources for the entire year.
Watch this video with Beth and Kelly Crissman to learn more, and click the link below to visit the Navigating Uncharted Waters website and register for your free access to these resources.