Early Response Team Training

Wesley Campus Ministry, UNC Chapel Hill 201 E. Rosemary St, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

UMCOR provides several courses for Early Response Teams (ERTs) through a network of badged local trainers. ERTs fill a specific need in the early days after a disaster to help to prevent further damage while providing a caring Christian presence. ERTs are not a first-response group of emergency workers, nor are they recovery, rebuild, or […]


Early Response Team Training

First UMC (Wilson) 100 Green St NE, Wilson, North Carolina

UMCOR provides several courses for Early Response Teams (ERTs) through a network of badged local trainers. ERTs fill a specific need in the early days after a disaster to help to prevent further damage while providing a caring Christian presence. ERTs are not a first-response group of emergency workers, nor are they recovery, rebuild, or […]


Early Response Team Training

Highland UMC 901 Ridge Rd, Raleigh, North Carolina

UMCOR provides several courses for Early Response Teams (ERTs) through a network of badged local trainers. ERTs fill a specific need in the early days after a disaster to help to prevent further damage while providing a caring Christian presence. ERTs are not a first-response group of emergency workers, nor are they recovery, rebuild, or […]
