Here are a few steps you or caregivers can take to help older adults prepare for natural disasters:
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance company for more information.
Emergency Contact Information
Create a list of contacts who can help you during a disaster and keep a physical copy with you. Include an emergency contact that lives out of your area and can be reached by emergency officials. Make sure you share the contact information with family, friends, and neighbors.
Evacuation and Communication Plans
Work with caregivers to create a plan. Know your evacuation routes, locate storm shelters and make necessary arrangements for pets.
Emergency Updates
It is important to have access to severe weather updates and information from emergency officials. Know where your local emergency shelters are located and what the evacuation routes are for your location. Check with clinics or hospitals, if you receive treatments, to find out their emergency plans.
For more information on emergency alerts, visit or
Disaster Kits
Create a disaster kit that contains water, food, and supplies for up to 72 hours. Make sure to include medications, spare batteries, flashlights, cash, and identification in your kit. Also, include COVID-19 supplies, such as masks and hand sanitizer. Don’t forget your pets when you are gathering supplies.
Visit the Red Cross or FEMA website for a list of items to include in your kit. Download NC VOAD’s Preparation Checklist for Older Adults (Spanish Translated PDF).
What does your insurance cover? How soon do you need to file a claim? Talk with your insurance company to see what your plan covers and how to properly file storm damage claims.
Important Documentation
Make sure to have copies of important documents, such as titles, health care, social security, vehicle information, utility bills, birth certificate, and mortgage information, in case documents are damaged in the storm. Consider purchasing a small fireproof/waterproof file box to keep everything together and protected.
For more information, on preparation for older adults visit the American Red Cross, Center for Disease Control and Prevention,, and Ready NC.