Temperatures have begun to drop in North Carolina as we enter the winter season. While our winter weather varies across the state, it is important to create a plan and prepare your home.
Here are a few steps and resources to help you as you prepare:
Create a Plan
Create an emergency plan with your family. Include a list of emergency contacts, set meet-up locations, know evacuation routes, and make arrangements for your pets.
Stay up to date with severe weather updates and information from emergency officials. For more information on emergency alerts, visit ready.gov, ReadyNC.gov, or ncdps.gov.
Download a Local Church Disaster Plan Template→
Download a Contact Card Template→
Build a Kit
Build an emergency kit or check to make sure your kit items are not expired. Include copies of important documents, cash, a first aid kit, non-perishable food, a gallon of water per person for seven days, blankets, and snow removal equipment. Be sure to include items for your pets, too!
If you are traveling during the winter months, build a kit to keep in your car.
Prepare Your Home & Church
Be sure to secure loose items outside and weatherize the building.
Check to see if your insurance policy is active, what it covers, how to file storm damage claims, and what information is needed. Be sure to take an inventory of your church and home and document items and their conditions in case of damage.
View low-cost tips for keeping your home warm→
View resources from the United Methodist Insurance Program→
Also, do not forget about weatherizing your car for extra safety precautions on the road. Keep a full tank of gas, install winter tires, carry a portable phone charger, and keep copies of emergency contacts and insurance information.
View tips on staying safe during winter travel→
For more information on winter weather preparedness, visit the American Red Cross, Ready.gov, National Weather Service, and Ready NC website.
View Winter Weather Infographics from the National Weather Service→