The devastating winds and flooding caused by Hurricane Ian in late September impacted many homes and lives. As the emergency response phase ended in Florida, Early Response Team (ERT) volunteers from the NC Conference traveled to Fort Myers to support the Florida Conference’s disaster recovery efforts.
A team of five volunteers arrived in Florida on October 11 to help two homeowners begin repairing their homes. The team removed debris, treated mold, and removed drywall and flooring damaged due to flooding. Cynthia Moscarito, an NC Conference volunteer, said the water level line in one of the homes almost reached her shoulders.

Corridor District Disaster Response Coordinator (DDRC), Martin Hunicutt, arrived early one morning to remove flooring, and the family joined in working alongside the volunteers.
Over the next three days, the volunteers connected with the families and listened as they shared their stories and experiences. “It is amazing how well you work with [one another] and watch out for each other. By the time the trip is over, you feel like family”, said Cynthia.

As the team traveled back to North Carolina, other volunteers and groups arrived to continue helping the families repair their homes. The support of volunteers across cities, states, and conferences shows the power of connection. Marty said, “even if you are a small team, you can make a difference.”
We continue to pray for all those impacted by Hurricane Ian. Thank you to all who give their time and gifts to those in need.