Currently, there are no active Early Response Team or long-term recovery volunteer opportunities in the NC Conference. All of our Disaster Ministries recovery centers are now closed. We continue to monitor weather events and will post updates if needs arise.
We encourage Early Response Teams and rebuilding teams to consider UMCOR supported out-of-conference requests for assistance. Please contact the NC Conference Disaster Response Coordinator, Ann Huffman, if you plan to volunteer.

Out-of-Conference Disaster Recovery Efforts
Kentucky and Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conferences
The Kentucky and Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conferences are partnering in tornado response efforts. Please do not send any supplies without contacting the Conferences first to see where items may be needed. Visit the Kentucky Conference and Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference websites for more information.
Louisiana Conference
Sign up to volunteer in the Louisiana Conference to help with Hurricane Laura, Delta, Zeta, and Ida recovery. Visit the Louisiana Conference website for more information about response efforts.
Western NC Conference
Sign up to volunteer in the Western NC Conference to assist with rebuilding efforts from Tropical Storm Fred. Visit the Western NC Conference website to learn about recovery efforts.

Additional Volunteer Opportunities
Carolina Rebuilding Ministry
Carolina Rebuilding Ministry (CRM) helps “low-income homeowners complete repairs that are needed for improved health and safety.” Visit the CRM website to sign up to volunteer.
Partners in Ministry
Partners in Ministry, located in Laurinburg, has volunteer opportunities for various programs. Visit the Partners in Ministry website for more information.
Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministry, Inc. (WARM)
WARM needs volunteers to help with muck-outs and recovery work. Volunteer housing is not available. Visit WARM’s website for more information on how you can register to help.